
Was anyone else a little surprised at the degree of Logan’s consternation and shock over a dick pic, which he later acknowledges is a term his company may have invented? I get that the double standard runs strong in Logan, to the point where he finds a May-Dec. between Gerry and his son disgusting, but not his own cons

Yeah, this wasn’t ambiguous at all, it was clear, coming right off the table read scene.

I fucking love Boogie Nights. It still holds up beautifully. 

Your guide to the Halloween multiverse. The MCU are rank amateurs compared to these guys!

I was listening to Cheryl & Tig’s podcast and when I found out she was married to that lunatic I deleted it.

I honestly would not read too much into it. I read the Salon article, and thought it was overwrought and based on some pretty tenuous arguments. There is maybe 2-3% of black flag wavers intending it to be threatening to 97-98% just thinking it looks cool.

And all of them will rejoice in triggering the libs if we allow

Please tell me of any neighborhood where these are given out and I, at 59, will show up around 7:30 on the evening of 31 October with a mask on and an empty pillowcase.....

So kind of like Miskel Spillman who won “Anyone Can Host SNL”?

One they got past the events of the book, the show took a nose dive, and now their only ideas seem to revolve around making Moss’s character as miserable and unlikable as possible.

“Well pardner, looks to be high noon - ‘spose I better mosey myself on over to algebra class.”

Bill wasn’t just a terrible husband, he was serial sex offender. I don’t know the dynamics of his and Hilary’s relationship but I’m happy Lewinksy has the ability to reclaim some of the agency Bill took from her, and I hope it gives some peace to the other women who have accused him and were not listened to because of

They do, but I re-watched the episode before the break and it helped a lot.

I’d like to know what diet Chuck used to lose thirty pounds in a couple of days. Jason Isbell, musician: A+ Jason Isbell, actor: D-

Yeah, I have to say I understood Olivia’s confusion that somehow thinking it was bad to set up a situation where her parents were involved in a frightening moment of violence ...made her asshole? She had many asshole qualities but that surely wasn’t one of them. I feel like this story was more about Paula realizing

“I really want her to go off and get a job at Jezebel”

There is so much I agree with but...

I want a spin-off of just Roman and that other dude crushing Management training.

‘Round here, we call ourselves the Curious Chickens.

No joke, he was also part of Barnes & Barnes of ‘Fish Heads’ fame!

I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I don’t particularly like horror movies, but I do enjoy reading their detailed synopses on Wikipedia. And then never watching the movie.