
“latest PR catastrophe”.

See, this is the kind of motherfucking reporting that got Trump’s fascist attempts at stealing the election called “gaffes”. Minimizing crimes as tactical errors that will read poorly on Twitter instead of, you know, CRIMES?! Really, y’all?

The dude is a cult leader spiraling out of control

yes this sounds just messy AF. I’m sure she was fleeing her ex, but sounds like her “healing” is probably just doing drugs with Ezra at this rural drug den. I feel for the children and hope the system gives them proper protection together.

I know you don’t do the headlines, but Latinx sounds like the adult parody of this movie. Is there something inappropriate about “Latin,” a word that already exists and is widely used?

That would effectively ruin the show for me. Might as well have Gene Cousinou jump a shark after that.

How about the cool choice of not having any subtitles for us when Cristobal’s wife was talking to him. They weren’t necessary.

Miller is getting creepier by the minute. Worse, he’s feeding people’s worst accusations about the trans community. The Fox News crowd just had their worst fears confirmed.

Trader Joe’s has made a chip for someone who loves burnt chips. Does that person exist?”

Ehhhhhhh..... I dunno about that read on Rear Window. Maybe it’s the semantics of “indicting” rubbing me wrong. (As in you used it correctly but I am resistant.) If the movie can be said to indict the audience, I see it as a mild rebuke. Let’s not forget that without the voyeurism Miss Lonely Hearts might have gone

She and her brother (??) as Wiig’s roommates in Bridesmaids were so gross in every way I can’t even watch their scenes.

Given that the cornerstone of her career was purposefully off-putting, unfiltered, and otherwise gross comic relief, that’s a very reasonable impression. I don’t fully understand how she’s transitioned to leading lady. She’s more of a Josh Gad or Billy Eichner type that’s appreciated best in small doses (if at all).

Who else thought for a second that Noho Hank showed up in the car following Kim?

Egalitarian among the sexes?

Years ago, I was unaware that she was a Xenu-worshipper, but I kept wondering how she was landing these roles in Mad Men, West Wing, etc.

Alternate take: Bad mom who cheated on her children’s father with boytoy now ducks his custody request and got served in a hilarious fashion.

won’t someone think of the poor, unfortunate millionaire having to deal with a minor inconvenience? how dare that villainous process server try to do their job to pay their bills. don’t they know who Olivia Wilde is???

Another fucking bad take from Hughes, add it to the mountain pile.

People are served notices at their job everyday. She shouldn’t get a special exception because she directed Booksmart.

Meh. I’m on the process servers side. Just the messenger. There’s no details exactly how the process server came to the conclusion of doing this action. I’ll assume it can be for any number of reasons such as, “I tried several times these last couple of weeks to professionally serve her, but she knows how to pump

I mean....that’s a lot of credit to give to a host who broke in multiple sketches while staring at cue cards in all of them.

“How could anyone not like him?”