
My thoughts exactly - I didn’t find this shocking at all.  Good point about the characters wanting to be special.

Ummm...Netflix is costing me 16.79 per month.  

Good call on “Arrow Through Me” - I’ve always loved that song. All of Back to the Egg is pretty great, and completely underrated. I’ve loved that album since it came out, and went back to it recently and it’s held up remarkably well.

If you are looking for the best rippled chip, and  you are in the NY/CT area, try  Stew Leonard’s rippled chips.  They are impossible to stop eating, and I’ve banned them from the house many times, only to go back again to their delicious crunchy, salty taste. 

That was Annabeth Gish?  Gosh - I never would have recognized her.  She’s always the girl from Mystic Pizza to me.

“Loving his wife” - that’s pretty rich.  Mulaney is funny, but his nice guy persona isn’t exactly true to life.

Agree - I thought it was hilarious.  The takes on this website are so sycophantic sometimes.

That guy is ugly inside and out.

What do you say to one person?

Ableist?  That’s quite a stretching of that term.

It was a tasteless joke in light of Jada’s condition, but punching down?  C’mon.  

Escape From LA is such a messed  movie. The parts with the botched plastic surgery and the basketball stuff are really disturbing. 

That’s my take - the play is life (it’s double) and and the play is also a double of life (its double). I thought that was clever.

You have to accept that Euphoria is pure fantasy - and this episode verged on Lynchian with the theater/film/life crossovers.

I once got pepper in my eye while filling pepper shakers at a deli - that taught me why pepper spray is an effective weapon!

Thanks for the good news - both Better Call Saul and Barry in the same month - hopefully omens for a good spring!

It was horrible, wasn’t it?  

Looking forward to this, though I can’t imagine anything being funnier than the Swimming to Cambodia/Spalding Grey episode.

I saw the trailer, so I saw the whole movie.  I’m good, thanks.
