
do you cover the baking sheet or the chicken with parchment paper?

Christian Bale is so much Patrick Bateman to me that I’ve actually called him that, and not as a joke.

It’s going to become constant now as the boomer generation gets older and older.

That’s what SATC - AJLT - did to Stanford Blatch - they Poochied him.

Do you remember the hell Miranda put Steve through when he cheated on her?  She’s a big hypocrite.

I think it’s all going to end with Dexter and Harrison hitting the road, eluding the law once again.  Will there be another season?  I’ve enjoyed this one, but I think it’s time to end Dexter’s tale.

Enjoying the show, but I can’t get past the fact that they are on a HUGE lake. Start walking the perimeter. Build that raft. Something. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but how many huge lakes in the continental US are completely cut off from civilization?

Right?  The Initiation of Sarah scarred me for life.

This looks like the first movie that will get me back into a theater.

It sure does - I love it, and I still love watching it after the nth time.

Now playing

Nemesis by Shriekback - best Halloween song to use the word parthenogenesis.

I agree with Larry on the towels - my shower towels are old ratty beach towels and I like it that way! 

Tell me about it - honestly, I think she is an idiot who heard the name “Kennedy” and was on board no matter what.

Bill Paxton directed the Fish Heads video!

I’m looking forward to season three, and I hope it is a wrap-up for the series - I think the Ted Lasso team could really nail an emotional and satisfying ending.  Also, if they are highlighting Richmond team members, more of the cute French guy, please!

My thoughts exactly.  I’m sorry - Monica is and was much, much prettier than Beanie.  I don’t get the casting at all.  I guess she’s fine actress, but...they could have found an unknown who could have done justice to Monica’s appeal.

Agree.  Regardless of who did what to whom, it’s a mess that will affect the kids negatively.

Stiltedly - “I spend most of my money on guitars”.

I just watched Married to the Mob for the first time in ages a couple of weeks ago. God, it’s good. Super charming, and I agree that Matthew Modine is not bland - just very dry. As mentioned, Mercedes Ruehl, steals the show. Add in young Alec Baldwin for eye candy, and the Burger World jingle, and you have a winner on

That’s what found funniest about Pen15 - it’s that it’s an extreme version of junior high, when boys look like children, and the girls start to look grown up.  The fact that it does look so silly and unrealistic is why I can enjoy this show and why Big Mouth is unsettling to me.