Pet Sounds wins this contest every time.
Pet Sounds wins this contest every time.
Good point about Tanya’s offer to Belinda - someone who will make an offer so quickly and with little information is likely to just as easily lose interest.
I honestly thought Roxana was being sarcastic by calling her “poor, sweet Paula”.
The first thought that came to my mind was how there was absolutely no way that Kai would be able to fence the bracelets for the full retail value.
Armand is more of an anti-hero than a villain. I certainly didn’t hate him for keeping the girls’ drugs. He’s a screwed up guy whose passions have been unleashed for the first time in a long time, and he is also fighting against the much worse douchery of Shane.
Bingo. He’s learning to scuba in a manmade swimming pool, and the canoers were rowing their boat in the actual ocean. Quinn sees this and is coming to realize he wants a genuine life, not a facsimile. In terms of sex - this means he wants a real woman (or man if he’s coming out - not sure about that), and not porn on…
I don’t really like I Think You Should Leave, but that segment was hilarious.
Yes - you can get Apple TV on the Firestick. That’s how we watch it. If you have an Apple phone you might have access to a free year of Apple TV.
That’s such a tv thing - entering freshman driving alone across country to college. Would Berkeley really allow a freshman to have a car on campus?
I said that exact thing right after Lori’s line - “and I would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!”. My husband looked at me like I was insane.
Loved Season 1 - have to make some time to get back to this show. However, I am not a Danny Pudi fan for a very strange reason. Before acting, he worked for a company that was the major competitor with my company in very small field - I still see him a adversary. Weird, but I can’t shake it.
I’m sorry - paying for sexual attention (whether virtual or in person) from a particular and consistent sex-worker in a marriage should be something agreed upon by both spouses, full stop.
Bingo. Dan has a double standard for women, especially straight women.
Do you know anyone over 45?
Why are you still positing theater safety advice from August 2020? So much has changed since then. I think it’s time to revise it or get rid of it.
Which SNL was the one people didn’t like?
Great interview. I loved You’re the Worst, and think about it often, and how well they ended it.
I associate this food more with carnivals than circuses. Especially after watching many, many episodes of Carnival Eats.
Watched this recently, and I completely agree. PSH was so amazing in this part, and I found him magnetic in a very weird way.
No - the romance of Andy and Erin was creepy as hell. You are spot on.