Just what I was thinking! I love William Holden, and I love that film. That and Sunset Boulevard are my Wilder favorites.
Just what I was thinking! I love William Holden, and I love that film. That and Sunset Boulevard are my Wilder favorites.
Going with Marnie for this one.
Me too! The ending was really satisfying though.
Ross just nags people to death.
Loved the Banshee opening credits, and how the photographs shown would change over time to reflect different aspects of what was going on in the show.
Agree - also true with Bosch. The theme is great but soooooooo loud.
As a Beach Boys fan, this cracked me up, because fans generally hate this song. I guess after the other number by N&L, this would have been welcome by anyone! Though I am partial to “Stroke, Stroke, Stroke Your Cock”.
I thought the same thing! I’m mid-50's - being in my late 30's seems like childhood to me now!
I actually hadn’t played Candy Crush in *years* before I took it up again a few weeks ago. I’m finding it the perfect mindless pastime for our current crisis. Thanks for the good news Gwen!
Thanks for the best news I’ve heard in ages, Gwen!
I didn’t like this from the get-go. I liked Merritt Wever on Nurse Jackie, but found her annoying. Domhnall Gleeson was annoying as well. All the coy mugging for the camera - I don’t get it. Honestly I find anything from PWB to be terrible, but I seem to be in a small minority.
Two biggies in my house - “Today I settle all family business” and “He hates these cans!”
Another curious Jew here - I worked for a church goods company, and told my boss I wanted to try a communion wafer. She said go ahead - yep, tasted like nothing. I’m sure the whole wheat ones we made were worse.
I thought the same thing, but Sex and the City was in full swing by that time, and high end shoes were a huge thing.
So you think college is for everyone.
Because, honestly, I have no desire to spend my salary on unpaid student loans. Instead of spending money on that, let’s rethink higher education and train people for needed jobs instead.
Really? Free college? Dismissal of all student debt? Green New Deal? No, Bernie doesn’t pander at all. Pie in the sky promises from a guy who has gotten basically nothing passed in Congress? Nah, no pandering there.
My thoughts exactly, considering where this criticism is coming from.
If you really think about it - is a fake song really fake?
No - i think that’s really by Wings.