
I’m a big sardine booster - my favorite way to eat them is tossed, along with their oil, with lemon juice, crispy romaine, thinly sliced red onion, grape tomatoes, and chick peas (another can!). Delicious and nutritious.

I saw that live chat last night.  Kyle is a class act - one of the good ones.  That is why he was so great as Agent Dale Cooper.  BTW, if anyone wants to buy me a Valentine’s gift, I’ll take a bottle of Pursued by Bear wine!

My thoughts exactly.

Lol - Shabbat Shalom!

I was replying in the same absurd style of this article.  I thought our people are smart enough to figure this out.

I hear you.  And this is why I don’t want to invite non-Jews to my Passover seder.

Yes, yes, Ray Donovan was terrible. My husband and I watched through the whole run. There were certainly times I was ready to bail, and I really cannot stand Jon Voight’s Mickey. However, it’s weird to me how Showtime treated this program. They were going to end it with one more season - something tells me there was

Great movie, and great write up.  This is one of those films that I will ALWAYS watch when I come across it on cable.  So satisfying, especially when Tess does her pitch for Trask.  “Trask, radio, Trask, radio”.  And Harrison Ford is adorable - we could use one here in my office.

My mom took my friend and I to see it in the theater when we were 11 - honestly, only the music and dancing stuck with me.  The rest of it went right over my head.  Not long after that, my dad took me to see Animal House.  He had already seen it, and wanted to see it again so badly that he took his twelve year old

A fourth and FINAL season - which is fine.  More shows should end while they are still good (looking at you Weeds, Ray Donovan, Homeland...pretty much anything on Showtime).

Did you watch this? Amazon is bad, products are bad, people are shallow, Hollywood and Washington are full of hypocrites, weird graphics are cool!

An Adult Swim alum - fine, they weren’t involved in this video.  But it’s the same aesthetic. 

Yep - knew Adult Swim had to be involved in the obtuse yet obvious video.  It’s amazing what passes for interesting these days.

“ All you want is to quickly eat something familiar and inoffensive, because you’re not supposed to take statins on an empty stomach.” 

I loved everything about this tournament.  As a former contestant with a sole second place showing to her name, seeing these true masters is a pleasure!  

I found the first two episodes to be excellent, and I always love Ben Mendelsohn.  However, I’m concerned that like many Stephen King stories the “deus ex machina” of the supernatural kind of ruins the dread of the story.  I have not read the book, so I guess we will see!

I understand - however, when people (and I’m sorry - especially men) throw around opinions that imply some women deserve to be sexually harassed, I find it really offensive, no matter who the woman is.

Poetic justice to whom?  Cis-women?  Are you out to punish us?

So you are saying that sexual harassment only matters when the victim is someone you approve of - got it.

Yes, yes, yes. I said the same thing to my husband when we watched this episode. They would NEVER call it a font - they’d call it a typeface. These errors are pretty common for this show. For instance - Midge’s “weird ask” (the teddy bears).  I don’t think anyone said “ask” as in request back in 1960.