
What about this scene in Goodfellas?  All three guys add ketchup to their pasta - now, I know that one of them is 1/2 Irish, and one is 100% Irish, but still...Tommy does it too.  What say you?

Agree 100%! 

I’ll have to try them!

In my family, we call Dunkin’ Donuts napkins “car tissues”.

You didn’t mention what I thought was the funniest part - Randy throwing himself a parade (with official police escort) to celebrate earning $300,000 while he tried to sing along with “China” by the Red Rockers.  Classic Randy Marsh - glad he has been such a big part of recent episodes.  His enthusiastic hubris is

I actually really like the Barq’s Diet Root Beer, but only if I don’t drink it too often.  I get sick of it after a while.

Agree - I really did not like Cody Fern in Apocalypse, however I’m enjoying him here. I think he’s better suited as a sympathetic character than pure evil.

Disappointing and dull. 80's references are hackneyed, and I was a teen back in’84. Maybe people who didn’t live through this period find it fun, but for me the episode was a snore - no different that watching the same slasher movie that was copied 100 times over. This better get more interesting quickly or I’ll be

I came here to say that!  I can’t believe that was Wheeler.  Such a kind, sweet character on Red Oaks, and such a monster on Mindhunter.  Impressive acting.

I feel like between the actual Battle Royale movies and the
Hunger Games (not to mention the just cancelled The Hunt) covered this territory thoroughly. It’s been done to death.

I would go with a simple crowd-pleaser - baked ziti with meat sauce.  Really hard to mess up, and there are few who don’t like it.  It’s easy to change for a vegetarian or even vegan group, as well.

Yes - I was thinking Black Mirror all through the Sookie section.

I can’t help but notice how the juice box disappears from Scarlett’s hand at the end of both trailers.  This looks depressing.

Just read a description of the Unicorn - it’s described as “earnest”.  Does Walton Goggins do “earnest”?

Me too - he is worth watching in anything.

He looks like Skeletor to me.

So sad to see this show go.  I enjoyed every episode thoroughly, and as a Westchester resident, it was especially fun.  One small complaint about the finale - I saw no reason to spend any time with the bird siblings.  Waste of time in such a short episode.

Absolutely real.  My sister was a huge “Voyagers” fan - bring back Meeno Peluce!

Agree that this episode was hilarious! Amy Sedaris was amazing. Even my husband, who is not known for his great sense of humor (he leans toward Two and a Half Men) was cracking up and asking “Who is that?”. The resemblance between his shrill sister and her silent husband and Cathy and her Metallica loving husband

It’s a Baby Ruth bar polluting the pool in Caddyshack, not a Snickers.  A Baby Ruth looks much more like a stool.