
If he doesn’t like being portrayed/parodied in a (to him) objectionable way, then he should not have attempted to become a public figure. Just ask Jerry Falwell.  That’s the trade-off. Louis needs to grow a thicker skin.

I think that is why Fast Times is so great - it actually dealt with real issues in a realistic way, while also being fun and (looking back) capturing the era so perfectly.  BTW, if Juno was made now, maybe Ellen Page would not have been so thrilled about it.

I never post here, but I had to chime in. Fast Times is, and always will be, one of my favorite movies. I was 16 when it came out - perfect timing. Just One of the Guys is terrible, but a friend and I used to reference it all the time - so bad it’s good, and honestly, it’s just kind of good. “Sixth grade is so bogus”.