
Are you really that creepy?

I really don't think this would look anywhere near as bad without the crowbarred wisecracks telling me what I'm supposed to think between every paragraph. I'm struggling to find anything wrong with this, and I'm not even a Jack White fan.

If I were writing this screenplay Food Babe would actually be working for Monsanto, to make their critics look ridiculous.

This is the truth. The idea that babies can't be left alone even for a second is not universal, and not necessarily correct.

I'm not sure if there's anything I hate more than a Christmas knickknack.

Well, if you're going to make racial generalizations, just stick with it! What is the point of being all "LOL nasty Mainlanders" and then wimping out in your other paragraphs? If you come out with the "My wife is Asian" defense, I'm going to roll my eyes so hard.

Modern parenting requires that you blame everyone but yourselves.

And what about your friend who is now pregnant and no one wants to hang out with her anymore? I promise you it sucks a whole lot. And she then becomes a regular commenter on Jezebel because most of her friends have forgotten about her.

jackrabbit sex. You know that sex where it's like they're masturbating but with your vagina.

Ha! I misread your post at first and thought you were seeking comfort in his snowy bosom. He definitely has a snowy bosom.

I can definitely see how some women might feel that way, but the idea of a young guy saying the same squiks me out for some reason.

I dunno if that's entirely true, though. It definitely has nothing to do with being PC. And, from the book's description, it doesn't seem to be particularly gender specific.

I actually really dislike diamonds because I agree with you — they're ostentatious shows of wealth plus it's difficult to know if they funded a cartel (like DeBeers), a war, or both.

Celebrity Edition!

It's not a drug - drug. I mean I know it's a drug but I don't believe it's a drug - drug.

If I'm reading a book I don't want to talk to you. :-)

right? I go places where my friends work so that I can support them and spend money at their place of employment, not to be a dick! If I get something comped, I always tip the server the full amount that the dish would have cost had I paid for it, because I was planning to spend it anyway and because I want them to

I read the headline as "transparent butt heads" and was trying to envision what that artwork (?) might look like. #readingcomprehensionfail

My freshman year of college, I made the mistake of dating a very serious born-again Christian. (I was raised both Catholic and Unitarian Universalist, I'm not sure what he was doing in the relationship either.)

Judging off the fact you think this isn't a black issue confirms to me that you are White. I'm Hispanic, not African-American, but I'll tell you this: White people, not all but generalizing, have a hard time understanding when things are in fact racial.