
I think that there are lots of people that have a hard time distinguishing between fiction and reality. Not to say I believe this guy, its hard to believe any criminal who says this, as even people who can't make clear real/not real distinctions can still make right/wrong distinctions.

uh, do all those other smarter countries teach history too? If you want to catch up, the solution is not less knowledge. Also, what good does more choice for parents do? Some parents can choose to have stupid kids? Good one!

journalist don't like it when their ethics are questioned. This journalist (?) took the mature route and, instead of taking the criticism in stride and treating it with that classic journalistic impartiality, mocked it.

no. Not at all. There are no sharp objects just laying around in a hospital room. For the most part, there is nothing in hospital rooms except paper products and furniture. Don't you think a woman in labour has a lot going on? Both times I was in labour I curled into a ball and tried not to cry. Violent movement

wow, you are a huge fucking bitch. Seriously, my comment was that 10 years in jail was over the top. You,fucking psychotic asshole, are also over the top. Get a grip, practice reading comprehension and then go fuck yourself.

well, I live in Canada and it is -23 right now, so I know cold. I am not saying it was a great idea or that I would do that with my kid, but ten years in jail is fucking outrageous. At one degree, locked in a dry car, out of the wind, they probably were not that cold. Also, dramatic much? I sincerely doubt they had

Yea, its kind of outrageous that these parents face ten years in jail for this. So the parents make one mistake (omg! The kids were chilly! And one of them cried!) and then these kids get,tossed into a failing and overburdened foster care system where they will definitely be abused in some way, grow up with out

imo, most problems stem from parents (I am a parent, 2 kids under 5, just for the record. And yes, this all applies to me as well). Kids are reckless, selfish, irresponsible little a-holes. But so are parents. My biggest struggle as a parent is letting go of my anger to make room for compassion. Its hard. Most of the

while I totally agree with you, and completely disagree with the head shaving, punishments are not always as simple and clear cut as 'fitting the crime'. A toddler that throws toys may not give two shits about their toys being taken away. A teenager who is grounded might just sneak out anyways. Sometimes you have to

durrrrrr trouble reading there?

not to be *that person*, but lots of people have reported seeing lights, lived one etc when they are in a coma/trauma. Its obviously in their heads, or bright lights on their closed eyes, but I can totally see how a 6 year old would interpret it like that and then make up stories about it. I think its kind of harsh

in Canada (or Ontario at the very least) there are laws against it. There has to be at least 8 consecutive hours between shifts. Only problem is, there people who this is meant to protect often know nothing of it. The second job I ever had was at a unionized grocery store, which is the only reason I know these things.

it kind of does imply that, and its extra super shitty because it makes it look like bonet was just so clever and strong enough to get away from him even though he probably had more influence over her career than most of women coming forward. Can we please please please stop condemning his colleagues for now coming

there are actually two large and prestigious universities (technically in waterloo, but the two cities are so closely intertwined, the universities are only about 10 mins away from this venue) and a college. I think the problem is more complicated Kitchener is not a place where celebrities go often, so its exciting I

No. But did make the mistake of commenting on a rape story on jezebel. Love the blog, but good lord the readersare sometimes too much to bear.

nope, not what I said. Boyfriend most likely could have stopped the rape with less violence. I said, what happens the next time boyfriend gets pissed about something? More beatings? Just because we all think this guy deserved a good beating doesn't make it ok to assault people.

no it makes perfect sense. Either you pay people, even the lowly service workers, a decent living wage or they will rely on state/federal services to keep it together. Or, I suppose, their frozen corpses will start piling up on the streets. Basically, everyone at the top needs to take less or itcosts everyone else

well there are leaps and bounds between 'necessary' and what uncle fuckers face looks like. Its a little absurd to even pretend that this is necessary. Op was right, assault is assault and he should be jailed right next to his uncle. In this one case, his violence was well placed, but what about next time? Also, I am

or, they are distancing themselves as a group from something that could reflect badly on all of them. Maybe its not the best way, but really I dint see why they need to be punished. Seriously, maybe the coach tells them to cut the shit, but punishment? Nah. In order to break through this rape culture thing, we need

Americans never think anything different is good. See: metric v imperial