
yea, I agree the authors position seems unclear. Or at least confusing. Why is it bad that the team and the fans are openly condemning rape? Isn't this exactly what jezebel has been crusading for? Campus wide support for the victim and campus wide condemnation of the rapist?

well guns and swimming pools are hardly comparable. Guns are designed and used as weapons. The purpose of guns is killing people. Stuff like this shows that, in spite of safety precautions, guns will serve their purpose. Furthermore, the repercussions of a gunshot aremuch more serious than a near drowning. People are

its for children. If you are old enough to be annoyed by it (and have no children) then you shouldn't have seen it. Let them love the princesses!

its actually not about manners. Its about the fact the the restaurant pays huge amounts on insurance premiums, if someone eats the food prepared there and gets sick, everyone is covered. If you bring I, your own food and get sick, the restaurant is still liable. However, they have no proof that the food was prepared

its pretty new. It wasn't around when I was a kid, maybe from the last 10 years. I don't do it with my kids. They have an elf because my MIL is fucking annoying and insists on giving us "new traditions" every year. But I let the kids play with it in front of her and we read the story and laugh at the stupid elf. She

People will return anything. I worked at a igh end kitchen gadget store and people would bring crap back that was utterly destroyed, knives snapped in half, a toaster filled with burnt peanuts, old coffee makers, etc., stuff that was clearly not just a lemon and demand full refunds or brand new replacements. I did it

my mom went to a naturopath. She bought like $500 worth of vitamins. The "Dr." diagnosed her by having her hold a pill in her hand with her arm held firm straight out in front of her. If the "Dr." could push her arm down, she needed the pill (they were just things like iron or B12). Upon researching the nice "Dr." I

I am not surprised you have found every single doctor you've ever had to be lacking, you seem to expect them to fail you. Perhaps the problem is not the people who train for years to be doctors, but instead it is you. Maybe try changing your approach to doctors, and you will see a change in care.

it could be worse.. A guy was decapitated on a greyhound in Edmonton couple of years back. At least everyone walked away from this...

it will never be over, it will just keep being broken down and compartmentalized. When I want to be mean to someone, but don't want to be obvious about it, I use non verbal cues to tell that person to not take my words at face value. The point of it is that only that person can feel it, everyone else in the roomwill

and it removes your autonomy... You are not even allowed to be offended because if your oppressors don't see it, then your feelings are invalid. You must be wrong if they didn't intend to hurt you. You are over reacting when you tell them you have been offended.

that's typically the problem with any celebrity advocate. You don't become a celeb by being a good listener, they are by nature extroverts. Furthermore, all of the help/allyship/advocating/whatever becomes a media frenzy and any help gets overshadowed by the power of celebrity. Look at bono, he does a whole lot of

some people actually believe that they are entitled to try everything. I used to work at a kitchen that did prepared meals to heat at home. It wasn't terribly busy, but I would get huge lines because people would ask to try everything. Twice. Minimum wage isn't enough money to argue with idiots, so I would get super

I think it just looks too small, especially around the neck.

naw, that would take self awareness. These business owners fully believe that the poor people working for them don't deserve more money. Poor people are poor because they are lazy alcoholic drug addicts who make bad decisions. They have earned their poverty the same way the owners have earned their riches, by

does she know that petit mort is the French expression for orgasm? She should reconsider....

I think some people consider it child abuse. Often those same people will say formula feeding is also abuse. Sillies.

you would be for sure. Its not that her parts are sexual at this time,she isn't developed, they are particularly 'sexy' poses, but nudity is always a little awkward and uncomfortable because its intimate. The topless,pics are inappropriate. I feel super awkward when people,post pictures of their kids sitting on the

sigh, its a tale as old as time. Young, independent women grow up into stodgy middle aged women who insist that 'kids are different these days, obviously for the worse. I never did these things and so they are clearly unacceptable'. For real tho, I think it is inevitable that the older generation, in spite of

I completely agree. White people don't ever really experience racism, and so have literally no context for it. Then, because of this inexperience, they don't see racism even when it slaps them in the face, even when their own opinions are clearly based in racism. Like saying Brown maybe deserved it, or he was a thief