
I wish someone had warned me that that is exactly how it's supposed to feel!

I personally like it, it has a certain sophisticated assthetic to it.

Maybe she felt squicky that the killer's mother is her landlord.

Am I the only one who doesn't get Tom Hiddleston? He's very average. I haven't seen him in anything, though, so maybe something attractive happens when he acts.

I have never heard of someone being allergic to basil AND garlic. I have noticed people (especially vegans) say this when it is an ingredient they don't like. Why lie? Why not just say they don't like something? I can take it. Don't get me wrong. I totally respect raw and vegan choices and I know how to prepare food

Stop attaching the word shaming to everything. It's stupid.

I'd really like to read a Friendzone that doesn't involve the writer backing away from, disconnecting from or discarding people. It's getting tired and in real life, most of us don't just dump friends or loved ones whenever they become "toxic" or maybe just a bit difficult.

^^^ Newf here at your service. He didn't say Lord T'underin' Jesus, so it doesn't count.


There's something in the presentation here that seems more like a defense of gender roles, than a subversion of them. "Feminism doesn't mean never doing nice things for your partner," seems almost accusatory. And the guy gets to frame everything in terms of his feelings, whereas the woman has to frame everything in

I have a serious question. What is the deal with dudes and pooping, like why is it so difficult for them? Why does it take them so long to do it? In an episode of Louie he says he is always 48 hours away from diarrhea. WTF? In tv and movies when a man goes to take a poop it is always portrayed as this intense

Contouring is a drag queen tool. It works for drag queens because they are typically performing, and the look is a more exaggerated, overdone version of femininity. When women do it, but also try to make it look natural, they look like second rate drag queens. I am really not seeing the issue here.

Fuck you, not all of us shroom lovers are sloppy, drunk frat kids. And I have my fair share of experience in both. I'd rather take something that won't drag my life to the 9th circle of hell like oxy & other opioids almost did. Shrooms is a much better drug in so many ways and helped me kick my increasingly worse

Trope Namers vs Zeitgeist

I know, right? Diaz too! I kept thinking maybe morgan freeman for warbucks... Though not sure about hannigan, though margaret cho would have killed it!


John Henson's death is just heartbreaking. Apparently he was home alone with his young daughter when it happened. It's kind of disappointing that his death is hidden several points into a (meaner than usual, by the way) Dirt Bag. I hope Jez or even Gawker does a longer write-up about this.

My grade school bully follows me on Pinterest, added me as a facebook friend and occasionally writes nice comments and stuff. I find it very very weird, like does she not remember repeatedly kicking my knee socks down? But I'm suspicious that some bullies forget the fact that they were indeed bullies.

Dear Miley,

My favorite PSH character...