
It definitely is, even if you tear. Your body was designed to do these things! It varies though, some women bleed for weeks and can't sit properly and end up anemic and such.

Well, that definition is the same, youplu don't need to pluralize sound

I dint think cacophony means what you think it means. It is a harsh or dissonant sound. Sorrynotsorry!

Listen punkham, I agree with you most times, or at least politely respect your opinions. However, don't fuck with Tim hortons. Dunkin donuts makes the worst coffee in the world. It literally

You know, I don't think t.swift looks all that terrible, its just that jumper is not the right sort of thing an adult should wear. Is like one of those diaper shirts bani wear, the ones with buttons,at the crotch.

Dear Ed: stop with the creepy ginger beard. You have red hair and a red face, it just doesn't work.

Would you, could you withy a fox?

I was with right up until you blamed 'weak women' for being treated badly by men. Its not their fault guys are dicks. Not all guys, whatever, I know. P

I worked at a grocery store that served gourmet s

Ok, so maybe I am just stupid, but I fail to see this as cultural appropriation.i realize that PoC are under represented in the music industry and that some people use black breakers for like street cred or whatever, but it cannot possibly be cultural appropriation every time a white person hires a black person

and then she explained the secret meaning it has in the fashion world (it means no)

So does most of the world, I am not offended by her body. Just her inability to dress it in an

Look, I see what you are

Yea, tv is the worst for this. Women also go into labour bytheir water breaking and spilling all over the

I totally felt betrayed by woman kindafter

I just had blueberry muffins for breakfast. Buttered.

Jailed? Isn't that a bit dramat

I mean fit, her clothes fit. Fuck kinja mobile. I am fairly certain it hates me and wants me to seem illiterate/crazy.

Lena Dunham has been looking so good lately. She has obviously read all my posts about firing her stylist and getting someone with talent to tell her how to dress. Her hair is so on point here, and her clothes fu

In some cases I totally agree that the kids should be off limits, like when they are on private property or when the paps are yelling things and trying to provoke them, but when the camera is so far away and they are in public, I don't see why it matters that much. Also, I figure if they bring the kid somewhere they