
my bro has downs syndrome. He wass always bullied while he was in school. When we were in elementary I used to beat up the kids who did it but I learned that it didn't matter to him that people laughed at him. Some people were really cruel and would do mean things, but those people were easily shamed by kindness.

it wasnt love that cured him, she had him on some wacky diet which somehow magically rewired his brain to 'cure' autism. i totally get how putting a kid on a healthy low sugar diet will improve behaviour, but she is doing her son a huge disservice by telling him that autism is a disease. Everyone else in the world

Ihave two kids and I did an epi the first time and all natural the second. I can honestly say that both had their strong points. Ithink that people are really quick to medicate everything and thus are horrified by pain (me too, I cried when I realized I was in labour the second time because I was terrified of the

That would be my problem! If my kids tortured and killed people in my house I would def sell it and move the fuck on. How could she still own that place? Also, not to be all judgey, but there is probably something wrong with the mom, something very wrong, if her son grows up to torture and kill 12-20 women.

I hate people who tryto pass me on escalators. Those stairs are narrow and they always have a giant bag and they never say 'excuse me' or 'sorry for hitting you with my giant bag of rocks'. I think generally I am annoyed at anyone in public who is not aware when they are being obnoxious. Obviously everyone is going to

I really wish cupcakes never got popular because I love cupcakes and I make fantastic ones. They aren't as pretty as store bought ones, but dammit they are moist and buttery and delicious. But now, everyone hates cupcakes because they buy dry cupcakes with icing made from shortening (that shit is not right).

parts hidden. They help keep the costume in place, in addition to providing coverage. Go to any dance studio, any performance, the dancers will be wearing tights.

Honestly, its not that weird. They aren't the kind of tights that most people wear. They are thick and stretchy and much more comfortable to wear costumes with...some of her outfits are no more than underwear. Even in music videos she has to keep her

its actually pretty standard for makes the dance moves and the skimpy dresses easier to manage because she doesn't need to worry that the audience will get pictures of her vagina. It also reduces weird chafing while dancing and sweatinf

They will be like 'i made a lot of money carrying a camera around' their job/work is no less meaningless than anyone elses. we are all working away at pointless ventures

Why do people think they are entitled,to live in a world where nothing ever offends/disturbs? Also, I don't often see women being less than modest about breastfeeding, in most cases you would have to be pretty fucking curious to actually see boob. I have actually never seen a woman just yank a tit out to nurse,

Apple cider vinegar. I know you don't believe in natural repellents, but this actually stops the itch (coming from someone who is currently covered in mosquito bites/covered all summer and often through early fall)

I agree! Great show, but it is based on a group going through college. Four seasons makes sense, five was pushing it. Now seven? I don't know what they have to work with at this point

I totally get why they would want her to go to the private rooms...they ask a lot of embarrassing questions even to women who have always had boobs/bras. I was asked to bounce in a bra to test for jiggle... Anywho, I imagine there

In all honesty, I can see why

no kidding! People seem to have such high fast food expectations, but really its,just a bunch of teenagers making food more or less unsupervised. So what do you expect to happen? Poor girl got fired and honestly if her kid did eat it he would likely puke it up still in the bag. Kids are good like that.


how dumb people are. A guy sat on my stroller on the bus today and then was surprised/angry when I told him to not sit on my infant.

Oh god. I am so with you. I have a baby stroller with me always (withy baby in it of course) and you would not believe

I live in Canada so this may not apply, but here we have various community organizations that basically function to include people with special needs in society. There is a bit of funding available from a provinciallevel for people to use for career/skill development. Basically you could use that funding to hire