
I agree! The makeup is just off and (even though I may be the only person to say it) I dislike the short hair. She still dresses and styles for long hair and just expects her short hair to fall in line. If that makes any sense.

I think its a lot of parents telling them that they are shining stars (the best dancer, singer etc) and 'supporting' their dream by paying for all the lessons and equipment and pushing them to succeed. At a certain point the parents realize that their kid can make money dancing and singing so they push it. The kids of

I think they are referred to as suburbs largely because they once were suburbs. Some areas, like north York and Scarborough, are actually part of Toronto as of a few years ago. They used to be distinct cities and then Toronto swallowed them so they are definitely considered suburbs, though they are more commonly

Not necessarily, Toronto has several towns surrounding it which are distinct from Toronto. Most of them sprung up as neighborhoods and then got big enough to separate and form their own governments. Toronto and these smaller cities are generally called the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Same with Ottawa,

Absolutely! It would certainly solve a lot of problems. When I lived in Ottawa they would make the buses free on big drinking days, like Canada day or st. Patricks. But that doesn't help every other day of the year

I agree completely! When the laws were changed in Ontario re BAC they had pamphlets that broke down height/weight ratios to give you a good idea of how much it takes to reach the limit and how long the alcohol will affect you. I am 5'8" and 130lbs and I can have like 1.5/2 drinks and still legally drive. But if I have

Lol! Me either, I just know they exist.

I agree, to some extent. Adults going to dinner and having a glass of wine or a beer or two shouldn't have problems driving home. Given his age and inexperience he shouldn't have any alcohol in his system while driving. Also, Ontario has a graduated licensing system. If he hasn't completed the process then he would

Soooo, in addition to having a dead wife, this poor guy is now (potentially) going to have to raise a child with severe health problems because people can't accept the idea of letting a dead woman 'abort' a baby?

Actually, in Ontario, where beibs is from, if had blown a .05 he would have had his licence suspended and had a fine. Blowing a .08 is a criminal offence, which at his size/weight would have been like 2 beers. Also, for drag racing he would have had his car impounded on the spot, his licence suspended for up to a year

I feel so conflicted. On the one hand, I love the kittiessss! But on the other hand, my cat annoys the fuck out of me when I am eating and I go out to eat to avoid having to pick cat hair out of my mouth (yes i clean all the time and no its still not enough).

In all fairness, girls who don't like beer but like boys to think they are cool will drink Coors light.

People are the worst. A stranger, standing with her 8ish yr old daughter in line at mcdonalds, told my friends kid (who is 3) that she was fat and shouldn't be eating there. I was thisclose to punching her. All I can think is that her daughter is going to grow up with those same opinions about herself and everyone

Yea, these are strange. I would be interested to see pictures of his mom. Honestly, he looks sloppy and sullen. I know that he isn't perfect and she isn't perfect and the medium isn't perfect, but I don't get what he is trying to do. What part of her is he trying to represent? It looks like he just slapped on some

I do, but only when they are out of my size on the rack. I know it annoys the sales people, but I still will ask them to strip the mannequin for me. But it never occurred to me to be happy when the mannequin has my size or offended when they don't. Now I know, though.

I used to get really pissed about it, but now I just laugh at people. She likes to wear band tees so she can be just like daddy (its kind of adorable, they have a few matching ones) and they are all found in the boys section. My mil always frowns a little and is like 'is black Sabbath satanic music?'. For most part I

That's shitty, I wish people wouldn't ruin awesome things with their racist dickery. The depth of racism always astounds me. Not to sound ignorant, but I am white, from a fairly liberal family so I just never saw it openly when I was young. I see it more and more all the time now and it always stops me short.

Forgive my ignorance, but how are the watermelon cups racist? It actually sounds kind of refreshing and delicious. Though it makes me think beach party, rather than a racist themed party. But really, I honestly don't know the connection.

It is really difficult to find non gendered clothes. My hubby and I decided not to find out the gender and it really upset a lot of people: 'how will we know what to buy?? How will strangers know the gender of your child from 10 ft away?' People also got rude about it when baby was born. I dressed my little girl in