
I can't even look at the picture because the chair woman looks like her boob is about to explode. Also, I know some people are using the 'thats art!' defence, but I think there needs to be a discussion about when and where such controversial art is appropriate. I know lots of fashion magazines do the whole clothes as

Lol! I thought the same thing. Who keeps eggs in a bowl?

I am similarly not a sexting expert, and I also don't have a penis, but I am left handed. Most things are designed to be used with your right hand. So when I take a pic with my phone its,with my right hand. So it is conceivable. However, I still don't believe it. Anywho, just,some lefty insight.

I know people get defensive when skinny girls complain, but I totally get what lw3 is talking about. Its really shitty to be held to anyone's 'ideal standard', because it really takes away from you as a human. Its hard to even respond to things like that because if you agree it must mean you think that person is fat

I wish religious people would change 'all gays/heathens/abortionists/whatever are going to burn in hell' to the much more accurate 'there is no actual punishment or divine consequence for these things so I will personally promise that you will endure eternal torture in the afterlife I have imagined'. It would clear up

The only body edit that made a difference (imo) was the bathtub picture where they raised the neckline of the dress. 2 reasons I say this, modesty (not that I am offended by cleave, it was probably unintentional and rather than fiddling with the dress they probably just let her pose comfortably knowing they could fix

I think the article was a little tongue-in-cheek, rather than blaming men for feeling insecure. But really, women feel this way about so many things (I don't want babies, am I really a woman? I want to do construction/math/computer science etc, but those are man jobs! Am I really a woman?). Men (as a generic whole,

I agree! There is always some jackass who won't let you pass them (because the dozens/hundreds of people in front of them is enough). And I also agree about mosh pits, they can get really violent and they take over so much of the standing room. Also, some people become assholes and purposely try to hurt other people.

For me, having an assertive personality is def as important as looks. My husband is skinny and covered completely in hair (seriously, I can't be sure if he is attractive or not because his face is covered in a huge beard). But, he is confident and sure of himself. Also, when we first met he didn't spend his time

I hate being breathed on. But its not a smell thing, its more that it makes me feel weird. My husband knows that spooning won't last long because he can only hold his breath so long, lol. Usually after sex people are,breathing a little deeper/heavier so that's usually when I notice it. Also being naked means I for

Lol, my husband will put trash on top of the garbage can so I have to move a pile of garbage off of the can in order to open it it. He does all the shoveling and paints my toenails, so I forgive him most days.

Ugh, Lena Dunham is either trolling the entire fashion world, or she is completely oblivious. She always looks so terrible on the red carpet and it is always because her dresses are ill fitted. Everything else can pass for personal choices (like sparkly shoes with a sparkly dress, her excessive eye makeup) which is

I agree! I can barely make it through an episode. Maybe I just don't get it, but it has zero appeal for me.

Yes! That's the problem exactly! And I am not even that tall, just shy of 6'. The biggest problem is that people feel entitled to extra space, like their seat isn't taking up my space. And when you ask politely for them to recline just a little less you get call an asshole (someone in the comments called me an asshole

This is silly... A more effective approach would be to offer things that are actually healthy! Like apple slices or carrots. I don't think that the problem (for most people, I hope) is that they don't know what is and isn't healthy, but rather they don't see how to find healthy options (lets be real, if you are eating

You can sit next to me, we can put the arm rest up and I will share my candy (I never fly without candy). As long as you help me aggressively force the people in front to keep their chairs straight. I never understood the reclining chair in such small space.

McDonalds just rolled out a poutine for their Canadian menu. I haven't tried it yet (we all know I am going to) but I can't wait. The only other edible fast food poutine is Harvey's and I think they are Canadian, so that would explain. I seriously don't understand why every menu doesn't have poutine.

Are the dude and his underage girlfriend sexually active? I know we all assume yes, because that is really where the ick factor comes from, but if they aren't I don't see a huge problem. If they truly like each other for personality reasons (as opposed to just physical reasons) and he is being respectful of her