
This is a little silly. While I agree with the general idea, that little girls deserve more than fashion dolls, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with dress up dolls. Its actually a great way to teach kids how to match their clothes, how to dress themselves etc. The issue of hyper sexualized dolls is a

On my campus there was a squirrel that lived in a garbage can that was seriously crazy. If you threw garbage in there it would try to kill you. At least that is what I assumed it was going to do, I always just ran for cover. But a bigger problem on campus was Canadian geese. They are territorial and vicious. If they

While I agree with Rashida Jones, I can't help but wonder if what she is doing is the same thing. Other girls take their clothes off and flaunt their sexuality to sell their brand, Rashida goes to the media and openly criticizes those women. She is just trying to get noticed, but she realizes that competing with Miley

The problem with this, in my opinion, is that it requires every human being to treat marriage as if it is a sacred and untouchable union of souls. The people who have sex with married people certainly are kind of jerks, but its not their responsibility to uphold anyone else's marriage vows. Also, its not up to them to

Yesssss, this! This happened to me so many times. I just wanted to tell people I actually don't care if they even enjoy their coffee, so stfu. It starts in November (Canadian here, so thanksgiving is long over in Nov.) and people never let it go, sigh. My main conclusion from working in retail is I hate people. All of

I agree with you, for what its worth. People, for whatever reason, love a tragedy. Everyone needs to feel personally connected to the tragedy (I loved his movies! This is a personal loss to me because I thought he was hot!). I have been to many funerals and listened to too many stories about how "we barely knew each

I was in the same position 3 yrs ago... I was due on Dec 24 (baby was born on 31st). I spent the last week of my pregnancy laying in bed like a giant whale watching Netflix and baking cookies. My partner was mostly useless except,for bringing me food and asking how i felt every time i moved. He wanted to spend as much

I used to work at a grocery store that made awesome donuts. To save myself time on my breaks I would pay for the donut before my break and just grab it on my way to the break room. One time a zealous cashier decided that I was not allowed to do that and stormed off and told a manager. He actually laughed in her face

I agree! He seems like he just tries too hard to prove he is intelligent. But there is even something wrong with his sentence structure, half of what he says doesn't make sense because he puts the wrong words together.

I don't think that dressing modestly makes her a feminist icon at all. She is not free from the male gaze, as no woman in the media is. She is just being presented as the madonna instead of the whore. I think its hard to say who/what a feminist icon is because it means different things to different people. I think

Lol! Yea, I had to give husband the bed in the morning because he was seriously whining. I offered, thinking he would consider how tired I was and decline, but no. He was a big baby.

Truth! My husband likes,to tell stories about how horrible the birth experience was for him (they didn't have any cots for him to sleep on! I was super cranky the whole time! He had no food to eat!). I just roll my eyes until it hurts.

I know! She always looks so terrible on a red carpet, not because she is hideous, because she is always in the worst clothes and gets shot from the worst angles. I feel like she needs a better pr team. I know she has this who 'normal girl' thing going on, but really, if she wants to be comfortable instead of

Yea and her hair had this weird crimped texture. It was not a good move for Barbie.

I think Mattel is just bad at dolls of colour. When I was little my mom bought me black Barbie, so that I could have an racially diverse dream home but she was kind of scary. Mostly her hair, it looked nothing like a black woman's hair. My little sister was convinced she was Ursula from little mermaid. Anyways, I

Is it possible that 'feminism' has been defined or redefined or maybe judged by men to mean 'radical bra burning lesbian manhater' (because of many things, for one, men have felt threatened by women advancing in the social/political sphere. I am sure there are a lot more nuanced reasons to put here, but who has time

I agree, I was horrified/couldn't look away.

I am done, you go talk to all the hard core drug addicts in your family ask them why they started drugs, when they became aware of their problem and why they haven't stopped. The answers might be illuminating (if these people exist). Also, for the record, I do not recommend your post I just have clumsy fingers.

Addiction is not a habit. Perfectly intelligent people might go to a party and try cocaine once. They try it again at the next party. Before you know it, their body has formed a dependence on it and they aren't even aware, they still think they are experimenting, just having fun, completely in control. The thing about

Well, actually even the most intelligent person can believe they are in control of an addiction. In my experience, highly intelligent, rational people are able deceive themselves the longest because they still function well, or because they think they are smarter than their physical selves. Addiction has nothing to do