fucking imbecile
fucking imbecile
I call bullshit. No way in hell that these women do not know they are pregnant. they are fucking lying to themselves. How can you not feel a baby moving inside you?
what an ugly fucking kid
you are a god damn moron.
fuck you
are you a fucking moron?
fuck you, holly
fuck you, you ugly chinless cousin fucking punk bitch
fuck you, you racist, tiny dick bitch
fuck you, punk
fuck you
exactly! glad someone else can see this for what it is.
oh, go fuck yourself and maybe it will help you to quit preying on children you fucking pedophile
go fuck yourself, racist
go fuck yourself
and the instructor assumed the dude was there for classes!! even after the woman said that she is being attacked and followed and STILL no one listened to her. wtf??? I know we are supposed to applaud this dude for beating this attacker’s ass but he still did not listen to this woman!!! He ignored her and assumed this…
wow, you are mentally retarded, My only conclusion based on your comments. did you think she could just hold the baby in?