
are you an absolute fucking moron? or someone who probably thinks that we can just hold our period in? 

Liar, just trying to make women look bad by faking an example. fuck off


your cunt mom is a hoodrat

THANK YOU! Bill Burr is just as horrible a person and not funny at all.

He is garbage and I hope I never have to hear his name again. I never liked his comedy at all but he was everywhere and everyone liked it so it must have been good..right? Right? lol

go fuck yourself. You fat, pale, chinless sorry excuse for a human. if you are a woman I am sure you are disgustingly obese, with ugly children and probably never bathes.

so what? I dont feel sorry for her, she married him and she deserves the ass whooping from the racist, chinless bastard she married.  I dont feel sorry for any one of them women..they knew what they signed up for.

Sucks to be them but this is what they voted for. This is what they wanted.

I am in san diego and get it delivered. we have several places that deliver here. didnt realize it was not state wide is spelled lose.

miserable skank

fuck you.

racist asshole

go fuck yourself, cunt.

go blow yourself, incel.

fuck off, you slave driver.


go blow yourself

go fuck yourself