
fuck you, you old fucker. hurry up and die off.

oh fuck off, he is a murdering piece of shit and needs to serve all 65 years, you dumb cunt

you look like a dude, you ugly sorry excuse for a woman

you are just mad that you are butt fucking ugly,  stupid cunt

no...fuck you, you dumb cunt. if you want to compete and get your ass beat by biological men than go for it cupcake.

good, they grew up biological men and wanting to compete in women’s sports is just brutal. It is unfair to the biological women who are competing.

your fat ass momma is a fucking clown, chump

wtf??? there is NOT spectrum. You are either a male or a female..

ugh, i bet you are someone that thinks that transwomen can have periods if they just try hard enough. NO, you will never be a biological female

she IS correct. not our fault science is a thing.

it is fucking disgusting. it smells fucking disgusting and it is as ugly as this authors fucking face. she is a cunt

Indian IS fucking gross and it does smell like shit, THEY smell like shit, their whole country i nothing but rape, shit and gross people and food. fuck them, they are all ugly as sin too. dirty raping assholes

I have never had it must be used to being around junkie trash

fuck this ugly cunt

fuck you

fuck you, you fat cunt

fuck you

ugly bitch, go back to fingering your fat fucking mom

I hope your children get murdered in front of your fuckin fat face, bitch

ugly bitch