not the same...what the fuck?
not the same...what the fuck?
you were in jail not prison..a fucking druggie criminal should know the difference
you must be so angry at yourself for being so stupid, huh? is that why you are so mad? or is it because you are fat and hideous and couldnt get pussy in a whorehouse?
Im banned too... but jezebel sucks anyways. wish xoxo was still around
lib tears huh? is that what is going to feed, house and clothe you? cuz that fat ass orange douche is coming for your walmart paycheck, heffer
good riddance. we dont like your kind here anyways. Adios, dude.
So..because YOU had a shitty experience means that all homeless people are trash? you are a fucking garbage fucking garbage, cunt.
you sound like a pathetic excuse for a woman. dirty and stank, gross..fucking wash yourself you nasty bitch you ARE a disaster and a fucking least you got your name right.
you are white as fuck, dude. dont pretend that you arent...or that you “understand” how it feels to be black..fuck all the way off
damn, some of these comments were made by some fucking squares
why did you offer it if you didnt want her to take it? lol
but Forever 21 is so fun!! I am 41 and I love their dresses, but it is never work clothes obviously,lol.
fuck you hunter, I was already deployed twice before you even joined the Marines, you fucking worthless, sorry excuse for a human douchebag.
thats not very fun....
he is like a child, if I didnt see didnt happen!
good. bitches be lying and making shit up for sympathy.
lol..go back to your mother’s basement, you ugly troll.
and smoking a fat Jennifer for me lol