I thought he was talking about that old Sylvester Stallone movie Oscar lol
I thought he was talking about that old Sylvester Stallone movie Oscar lol
and ghouls and supermutants.
fuck you, asshole.
fuck them too
Id vote for him....that wolf looks dapper in his suit..lol
he voted for Trump! He knew what he signed up for....
racist cop loving cunt
is he asleep in this pic??
he didnt expect to get followed to his home THAT is what he meant about the world we live in now, lol. Had to read it a few times for it to click.
go blow yourself, you racist redneck
fuck you, dude . that is why you have to jerk off in a sock and be alone forever
you are not owed a response. No one was being rude because they didnt message you and tell you no. grow the fuck up
I am a woman who was in the Navy for 9 years and I am disabled for life due to sexual assault and harassment
fuck you
cool story, bro.
what a handsome little guy he is! Id be arrested for assault if I picked my son up and he was beat up like that
New Vegas for sure needed a dune buggy. I would drive allover the dry lake bed to kill all those damn ants, radscorpions and geckos if I had one. mybe a drive by at quarry junction?
Ave! True to Caesar!
Id totally watch that, lol.
wow. That is the perfect way to describe it. Did 9 years and glad it is over.