Hand Held harpoon guns are a thing...in fallout 4, lol.
Hand Held harpoon guns are a thing...in fallout 4, lol.
welcome to ‘murica
day changes at midnight. am I taking crazy pills??
not even the same situation. your whataboutism is showing...tuck that back in.
fuck you, you fucking asshole
holy shit! awesome read! She was hardcore
Gorgeous family!!!
what is a wawa?
go fuck yourself, you sexist(I assume also racist) pig
great sports bras too! But of course she would, lol.
you are a horrible person
this is fucking disgusting.
yikes..you are a terrible, horrible fucking person.
she is only 35???? WTF??
go fuck yourself, you bible thumping cunt
blame the victim? fuck you
wow, so you are on his side? umm..ok. He shot a young mother in front of her kids but yup, you think he is fine(he isnt) so he should go free? fuck you with that nonsense
sounds you are the trash, trash.
fuck you..sounds like YOU were the cause of a lot of peoples unhappiness and did not care about them at all. glad they left you behind
you say that like it is a bad idea......lol