I like your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. fuck these other people
I like your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. fuck these other people
fuck you, you racist pig.
white cunt
damn, she ugly.
ugh, thank you for saying this. I have always looked at him and thought”creep”.
this man Kim chis
guess they crossed that school off their list..I know I wouldn’t want to go back there and have the cops called again, lol.
the Chris Brown thing made me chuckle, lol. need to laugh the pain away
redneck trash is what you are
I can bring my water bottle wherever the fuck I want. I was taught in boot camp to hydrate, I live in san diego and I am going to fucking hydrate,bitch.
I am enjoying being able to flag you as hate speech! xxx ooo
go blow Mr. Peanut , you trashy skank.
so? and? he deserved execution? fuck no he did not, fuck off
fuck you, you racist POS
mansplaining at its finest, folks.
cool story, bro
this makes so much sense, lol.
fuck you
heartless cunt