fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
lol..what? no way in hell you are eating a whole pint and calling it a “bowl” of ice cream..nah..that is a shit load of ice cream and you know it.
what is with you and the menstrual cups? do you own stock in them or something? not everyone wants to dig around in their bloody vagina to fish a cup out. That is disgusting, to me, and quit trying to convert people..holy fuck, lady.
some people actually like and enjoy eating some of those things..you racist, asshole
what? do you know anyone that smokes? the stoner slacker stereotype is so off base.
so what? you are still a cunt. I cant believe you are a “writer”.
ooh...arent you a big fucking adult. this is how you treat readers? you ugly cunt
fuck gillibrand
shut the fuck up
because men like you do not know how to fuck
your stupid momma, bitch
you racist cunt
nah, you are forced to because YOU feel your vagina makes you a second class citizen and less than an actual person. so..FUCK YOU
wow..you are an utter douchebag. Did you write in an vote for Batman because both sides are the “same”. pathetic
fuck this headline, dude.
NO. we really dont. I didnt know about her “issues” until watching an older episode of American Dad
lol..you are dumb.......you are really dumb and white.
found the racist white lady^^^^^^^