
Amazon is my My last order was coffee, face toner and a tweezer set. I bought after I checked my local target and walmart and they didnt have what I wanted.

why would you want a woman with 6pack abs?..that is very masculine and you might need to come out of the closet

WTF am I seeing? What world are we living in? How is this NOT racist? wonder we are in this mess now. We eat ourselves alive and never know who is an ally. If he never sent this tweet I am sure you would find something else wrong with him, right?

no..a stranger bothering me in a coffee shop is creepy. I have my own money, thank you. fuck off many women have you raped and murdered?..fucking psycho



Non issue was exactly in my mind while reading this

I know I live in an expensive state when I think “1600$ for an apt?..not bad” lol

days not over yet, lol give him time

what? lol, wow you are just some harpy , huh? go get l aid is fun and you should try it.


SHE is a failure because HE left her?? it

wtf? and no one stopped them! I am assuming someone was close enough to hear her.

He was also right about Bruce Jenner many years ago as well !

you do realize that it is our job and that we do what we are told? Some of us arent pampered cunts and dont have many options until we join and can utilize our education benefits. so spare me your crap and go get your basic fucking PS latte

as a female, non white veteran....kindly fuck off because you have zero idea about military life and how we operate