

fuck her..I was a fan when she first came out years ago..but fuck her for this. No coming back from this

fuck you, you child molesting fucking rapist

how many child rapers in your family? must have bailed tons of them out huh?

the whole family is garbage

I read that Groupon quote like 3 times and I have no clue what she is trying to say or talking about..I must be too high

glad to know that you are not a current do not belong around children or in the classroom..EVER

fuck more to say than that.


wow..ok it WAS because she happened to be a blonde white woman..

the bold and the creamy mattes are the best lipsticks! I reach for them over my high end ones

he killed fiddy men!

I just love how people assume that anyone getting SNAP is living the high life, lazy or just leeching off the is a nightmare to qualify

THANK YOU! I was looking for a list like this, lol. I hate Dove but I am pretty sure I have something from unilever that I will never buy again.

Dove is disgusting soap and body wash anyways..glad I will never have to buy them again..shit...what else do they own???lol

I have always loved her!

I am totally on board with us, OR and WA becoming one super sure what our name will be

come to California! we have artichokes, avocado, legal weed AND California burritos! Its Awesome! you the hell are you?