
I hated Skylar and I am a woman..soooo..there is that. lol

does not matter...we are all sluts and need to is really the reason isnt it??

intent to sell. which is stupid, lol, I live in CA and over an ounce would be my own personal stash.

your man might disagree..he is probably cheating on you right now

Good. He deserves to be free!

This is going to be the future for our country....sad..

A privilege to be alive? ummm...thanks ?

she sounds petty and immature...he probably cheated because she is a nosy bitch

this is beyond cruel.

she was a grade A bitch are a real piece of work, lady...

way to go! victim shaming at its best

My son was taken by CPS and it deserved to happen. I hit him and bruised him and never denied it. I am a fully disabled veteran due to PTSD and depression, I was dealing with both of my parents dying , his dad walking out when I was pregnant, going to school full time, working as a federal employee and I had zero women cant drive...what are they thinking??? lol../s

he probably doesnt even know, lol.

plenty and I am talking PLENTY of people were molested as children and they do not beat little boys to death with hammers.

kill it with needs charges too

so what? If you dont live here we do not care about your opinion.

YOU are part of the problem if you are too blind to see it.

he looks happy...let the man be fat and happy, lol. Happiest face I have ever seen on him