I never noticed hot hot he was! lol
I never noticed hot hot he was! lol
wow! I must have skipped that part of the story..my mouth was hanging open the whole time reading this. I cant believe this!....No , I can..g
Kinda sad when North korea is the stable one in this scenerio
hey...dont knock Chevy Chase, lol
My gut reactions when I see newborns is to want to snuggle them..not flip them off.
I think they are active duty..probably E2 or E3's...so they cant really be “fired” but just temp orders out of the hospital until punishment. They can enjoy their time at a TPU until then.
they look just barely within standards. In the Navy we could have at most 1/4 inch long.
well, they know what is best for us right? So we dont have to worry our pretty little heads about things? We just need a playful slap on the ass as we head into the kitchen to make him a sammich...lol..ugh..I cant even pretend to be shocked by anything
as a veteran with trans and gay friends..you are fucking pathetic and should be ashamed of yourself...you dont have the balls to join the service yourself but want to sit and talk down to people..fuck you...seriously...fuck you with a broken table leg you stupid cunt
you are a racist, trans hating fucking nazi...admit it
my god you are stupid
oh never served huh? Then shut your pathetic mouth you whiny brat.try doing 3 back to back deployments and then come at me you stupid cunt
wow, you are a grade A moron..I am glad you never served along side me
Respectfully request that you go fuck yourself.
you are one pathetic loser...and a racist
They probablyt all over black dick
me!..lol..I find it disgusting....but I also hate corn of any kind...
me!! hate the stuff
you racist prick