
I mistyped. Yes, my DOWNLOAD speed was 4up. On a good day. Once in a blue moon it would shoot up to 20 or 30, but then would all back to the single digits. And I was paying for 150. I told them that since I was on wifi and not a wired connection, I expect to lose some speed (maybe 20%) and I would even be willing to

Thesus though suggests that ALL the parts of the artifact have been replaced. With animation cels, its just a portion. For example, the cel itself remains, as does the line art (which would be hand painted pre 1961 and xeroxed from ‘61 - ‘89) Only the paint on the backside of the cel would be partially or wholly

For those of us who worked in the 2D animation industry, pieces like this are fun, but frustrating. We all know the art that makes up these films, and don’t understand it when ‘others’ don’t get it.

Comcast sucks. I was a customer of theirs for three months. I moved from Nebraska to south Florida, and my Nebraska provider (Cox cable) isnt available in Florida. So I tried Comcast. They offered 150MBPS for $50 a month. I thought it was a decent deal, and hell, they’re a huge company, so they must give decent

Jesus Christ, did I hate jewel cases. I got my first CD player in November of 1986, and jewel cases sucked. The sucked then and I assume they suck now. (I haven’t bought a cd in probably over a decade) The ONLY thing redeeming about them were the ‘longbows’, the 15" high cardboard box the jewel boxes came in. You

because the market isnt calling for that. People want larger screens. That was the whole point of the original iPhone - it had a big screen. That was one of the major features it had. And since then screens have gotten larger. Apple doesn’t care what YOU think is the perfect phone, just like Ford didnt care what color

yet that isnt what the original poster was saying. He was saying that the iPhone 4's screen is his ideal - the 5 increased past that size, then the 6, and then the X. Ridiculous.

So if they were smart they would eschew all of the customers who buy larger phones (being ‘all the rage’) and instead make their flagship phone something with a screen from 2011, because that’s the one you prefer. I’m glad my stock isn’t predicated on your business acumen janmac47!

To see a game at Wrigley, to check out ‘Sunday on La Grande Jatte’ at the Art Institute and to get some fantastic Vienna hot dogs. Why the hell else would anyone go to Chicago?

Here you go

Almost all membership cards you can have digitally on your phone (like Sams club for example) Same for car insurance. Take a picture of your medical insurance cards. Now thats digital. Now youre down to just those credit cards and drivers license. Pick one card to use on a regular basis, and keep the others at home.

Most cards these days use chip and pin, so in the rare case that the cards magnetic strip DOES get demagnetized, it really isnt an issue.

You suffer from a serious case of “I don’t use/do/like that one particular thing, so I can’t imagine how ANYONE can, because my limited worldview is centered around myself an no one else!”. It makes you sound not only stupid, but like a real douchebag to boot.

give it 10 years. It’ll look like Pixar did it.

not ten - fourteen years older!!!

wasn’t this the plot of ‘Pixels’ from like three years ago?

well they dropped the ball. Human error happens, even when it really shouldn’t. Its a shame, because you missed out (at least from then until now) on having a really nice smart speaker. I love mine.

I bought two Kia Souls from a dealer in south Florida (Hollywood Kia) a year or so apart, and was given a VERY fair shake both times. I’m quite good at buying cars, but they made it quite pleasant, which is rarely the norm. Don’t know if its a Kia thing or simply a random ‘this dealer isnt shitty’ thing.

As a former ‘apple staff’, I find that surprising. Apple employees are given VERY rigorous training on new devices, the morning they go on sale. Perhaps someone said ‘oh, you can set it up with your iPhone’, waiting for the response of ‘I dont have an iPhone’, before giving further information about any IOS device.