
Cane for this

The good news is should the US ever return to the moon, our astronauts don’t have to fear being stoned for driving the LEM On Saturdays

The sea of tranquility is no longer worried about becoming an occupied territory

They didn’t land, it was just a pass over

“I don’t use a case” - “I baby my phone”

Looks suspiciously JUST like the iPad Pro. Apple doesn’t need to worry about lagging iPhone sales - just keep suing Samsung every time they release a new product that steals from Apples design team.

this show is unwatchable. And I’ve tried. It makes ‘Gumball’ seem sensible.

She shoves him in the back at the :06 mark. She comes at him a second time and he pushes her away. The third time she comes at him his fists are up. She had it coming. 

Ive read the racism angle, the post party depression angle, now the social media angle - you’re all right, and you’re all wrong.

I side entirely with Bill on this one, but more importantly. How has NO ONE commented that in the accompanying video, the song is being sung by Ricardo Montalban - you know, Khan... KKKHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!

I have an encyclopedia-like memory of much of the electronics fun of the 1980's, and somehow I don't think I have ever seen these before.

somewhere, baby Faye is rolling her eyes...

somewhere, baby Faye is rolling her eyes...

I watched Scrooge’s a couple of weeks ago, after not having seen it in many years. It’s a fantastic movie, although a bit dated - but the ONE element I dislike is the end, when Murray breaks the fourth wall and interacts with the movie theater’s audience asking them to sing. It simply doesn’t work (obviously) for home

You’re half right. It is a fantasy movie, in the same vein as lots of the rings Or Dark Crystal, but I would argue that the ‘sci-fi’ Requirement isn’t met because there is no technology driving the plot. If Clarence had a spaceship or a time machine delorean or a lightsaber, is give it to you. You’re on target that it

I am interested in seeing the movie, but everything about Brie Larson is off-putting. I find her acting to be hum drum at best, her off screen personality sucks and damn, that Gil has the ugliest feet I’ve ever seen.

While I totally agree that the brand value is of upmost importance, I have to disagree that ‘cadillac’ hurts in the long run. Its not about the sub brand, be it ‘chevy’ or ‘cadillac’, its about the model name of the car. I truly believe this.

30 years? You're being very generous there.

indeed they are. 

Came for this.