
So, one of those two women in the photo is 47? Which one? Is it the one who looks like a slightly zaftig FOX news reporter, or is it the one who looks 60?

Run it through a black and white filter, and you have the latest from Harold Lloyd. 

Slow clap.

Can’t say I blame her. No actor wants to be typecast.

Now playing

that Han was a blood descendant of Berethron e Solo, the King of Corellia 300 years before the events of the movies.

So that’s what he’s been talking about this whole time...

Now playing

“I’ll buy it if it will squeeze grapes and make fresh wine”

Nope. Nope. Nope. ABC was in the wrong. Thats why they settled. You really think that a meat distribution company has more money than DISNEY? They settled because they knew they would lose in court.

This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.

To quote James T. Kirk, “Why does God need a starship?”

Yes, yes. Sharks.

Came here the say the same thing. Who writes this shit?

Reportedly the cost to euthanize them all was 900 dollar-adoos.


Sadly, William Daniels doesn’t quite sound the same anymore. I had the Mio Knight Rider nav system and then grabbed the TomTom voice pack and it might as well be any Joe off the street. Having something like that was one of my great dreams as a kid and I was a little disappointed when I finally got it.

Yeah, thats cool and all, and I totally would love to have Majel on my iPhone - but why would I want anything OTHER than the Enterprise computer? One acronym - K.I.T.T. - That’s why.