
and ‘cause it is very tasty.

I’m sure there would. And I am in NO WAY suggesting we ought to do this. The perfect solution is for people to eat meat. As we have evolved to do.

just like n other places where people eat yard bird. Once they stop eating them, the population will die out.

If we stopped eating them, the animals would die out; therefore, no methane. You won’t see cows running in the wild. Without the need to breed chickens and cows and pigs, those species go bye bye

So... lets recap. Apple sucks because someone can make an ‘elaborate mask’ that can spoof the faceID? I tell you what. If you somehow make a mask of me that is so elaborate that it can trick the face verification on my phone, hats off to you. You can look in my phone. You have my permission. As long as I can have the

You say ‘would’ve looked like’ - apparently you didn’t live in the 80's They sold video camera systems for kids that did this very thing. (Pixelvision, and they are quite sought after today!) we had these videos on our Commodore 64s, this was the technology of the time. And we loved it.

Came here for this. You win the internet today.

“We subdivided the surface of giraffes into four components - the head, neck, trunk and upper legs, and lower legs,”

Apples Iphone upgrade program. No number needed. It’s simply buy the phone on installments, bring it where you want.

Yeah. Didn’t even notice it. I hate autocorrect.

The VERY first item on the map is wrong. uno is not from Jason and the argonauts, he is from Clash of the Titans.

Ive been using Apple TV with Hulu, Netflix and directv now for a while now. Ive been quite happy with the setup. I pay about $75 a month for everything, which is about half of what I was paying for cable.

hence why argument against it. The square packaging, as shown in the photo, no matter how much space you gain over something’round’ takes up far more space than the two halves of the avacado do. If the packaging were reduced, the shipping would take far less space.

This one gets a prize for the clever title.

Nope. Not without Edgar.

I really am. And nearly everyone who works as a professional in the animation industry would agree with me.

perhaps, but Im right.

It’s a shame y0u think so. I know what I’m talking about, having spent many years as a traditional animator and director.