
I am a former 2D animator, and I remember, in the mid 90's (just after ‘Toy Story’) having to explain that computer generated animation still required people to animate the characters - that you simply didnt feed a script into a computer and the machine instantly made the cartoon. Those assumptions that people made

It can be set up with any iOS device. An iPad or iPod Touch would work fine. I set mine up with my iPad Pro.

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You’re wrong, dutchguy. Anthony Ingruber looks AND sounds just like Ford. He even has his mannerisms down pat, so much so that he has ALREADY PLAYED a younger version of a Harrison Ford character in the movie ‘Age of Adelide’. Why he wasn’t cast as Solo I will never know.

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Or REALLY keep the intruders away by making it look like your apartment is overrun with zombies. Well, it may not bother Negan, who will break in and want half. your. shit.

Negan wasn’t hit in the eyes with it, the assertion is that Gabriel, who was in far worse shape than Negan when holed up in the trailer, was infected. It makes perfect sense (along with the 40 other things love posted about while complaining ‘Its stupid and makes no sense!’)

it is fantastic. I use mine to paint and draw. Never get a stray mark.

Mermaid wins.

it was shown clearly at the middle of this past season, and was then further explained on Talking dead

it wasn’t an issue until this season, as they hadn’t encountered the ;nuked; walkers until a few episodes back.

well, from watching the show, and then it was implicitly described by the producers of the show on Talking Dead, for those viewers who hadn’t picked up on it

The idea here is that the walkers in this area are extra contaminated by some sort of toil waste fluid, seen when the Tiger Shiva was killed in the swamps. This ‘extra’ contaminant, when it comes into contact with an open wound, kills the subject. It isnt so much the ‘walker virus’ in the blood but this toxic

So by your logic, not having a biological father is the reason- therefore, adoptions can lead to serial shootings.

the sex doesn’t seem skeevy, the source does. Craigslist seems to be the trash dump of the internet.

sorry, Jerry. Just sounds SO incredibly skeevy.

and you dont get dozens of emails telling you that they totally want what youre advertising, but can you somehow send it to their son who is in medical school in Belize? Or maybe they’ll trade you that blowjob for a PS3 with dozens of games and three controllers in really great shape?

My god that seems blechhy. Craigslist? Geez. To me that sounds like buying your groceries from a gas station.

Is this even really a thing? Do people really use craigslist as a dating tool?!? My god, have hey never tried to sell an iPhone on Craigslist? I can’t imagine the chaos of sex were involved!

I’m gonna be that guy... sure, the driver was looking down, and the car was driven by AI, but the victim was clearly jaywalking. Doesn’t this fall under the category of ‘her fault for placing herself in the middle of a dark road illegally?’

I dont think any of this leaps at the sarrlac pit were ‘force super jumps’. They were all regular old human jumps that someone who was athletic and in good shape could do. The only ‘super jump’ in Jedi I would say is the one you mentioned in the death star’s throne room.