
so, outside of a Death Star, the rebel cruisers CAN repel firepower of that magnitude?

she’s a scavenger. She scavenged.

indeed it does. I plan to live forever, and I recommend others do it too. Its fabulous.

I still don’t understand the threat. If the government is such a tyrannical group, you’d think they’d be fine with people living beyond their life for the purposes of taxing them or the income in food that they might consume.

I liked the fact that the ‘zombie’ didn’t look like a ghoul, but I don’t see the threat. So some people don’t die. So what? He didn’t attack his daughter, just those chasing him. It seems the equivalent of calling those who go into remission from cancer a zombie.

I can’t help you with your woes, but I can buddy up with you on the Z love. My first ride was an ‘87 2+2 version of the Z (well, it was my dads, but he let me drive it to and from school every day for some reason). A hundred bucks? sign me up for five or six of those.

Rogue one was awful, from the uncanny valley Tarkin and Leia to vader Making bad James Bond puns. My 8 year old son called it as fucking ridiculous when the rebels couldn’t get the rough the planetary shield on scarrif - “daddy, don’t they know the code is 1-2-3-4-5?” Of course, the Death Star destroying alderman was

Loved the ghostbusters remake. I’m all about lady ghostbusters

I may be an ‘entitled’ Star Wars fan, but being a fan doesn’t mean I need to wear blinders and be fed drivel through a tube as if Im king made into foie gras. I had no problem with the special editions - I love the idea of cleaning up bad prints, improving upon visuals that couldn’t be done properly originally, etc.

not true. What I AM a fan of (outside of ‘Star Wars’) is good cinema. Films with character development and pacing, strong writing and character arcs. Not visual porn with reshoots of ‘Oh, lets have Vader do his lightsaber and totally waste a room full of reels, because people will go nuts!’

And rogue one was fun king AWFUL. Worse than the prequels. Utter fanboy garbage. If I had the chance to watch it again, I’d instead spend my money on a double feature of ‘Meet the Stupids’ and ‘Ford Fairlaine.’

Yep. I live in my parents house. Dude, Im probably twice as old as you and saw ‘Star Wars’ (Yes, thats the name of the fucking movie) in the theater in 1977. You young whippersnappers and your prequels and looks and comics and bulloshit is what is ‘entitled’.

I get to decide what is canon when I watch a movie. Everything else is just fanfic.

...he’s also the voice of the Dad in the carousel of progress at Walt Disney World.

Uggghhhh... I wish it hadn’t. That movie was worse than the phantom menace.

fuck all that noise. If it didn’t happen on screen after a Lucasfilm bumper and some John Williams music, that. shit. didn’t. happen.

read the comments for this.

eh, cute and all, but really? are we to assume Alfred is 170 years old?

ehh, dunno. I moved to Omaha Nebraska three years ago and put all seasons on my Kia Soul. I never had an issue, and that was with driving out a half hour to work, frequently in snow. Never had an issue driving OR stopping. I chalk it up to not being a moron - a lot off people I saw drove recklessly and wound up