
True, the later ones are terrible - but who the hell prefers DH2 to the original? My wife, that’s who.

My god there were some good movies in 1987 - and some real crap.

Josie and the Pussycats was a fun soundtrack - but the best son wasn’t by them. It was DuJour’s “Backdoor Lover”. Brilliant.

telling the truth is one thing - portraying that truth as if it were unsafe, and then adding the moniker ‘pink slime’ to the product is where ABC was at fault.

Nope. Nope. Nope. ABC was in the wrong. Thats why they settled. You really think that a meat distribution company has more money than DISNEY? They settled because they knew they would lose in court.

I use ApplePay everywhere I can. The problem is, there are still many places that refuse to accept it. Some of them I can leave and take my business elsewhere, but some of them I can’t.

vinyl is stupid

vinyl is stupid

The real question, when will we drop the ‘neo’ moniker and just straight out call them nazis? Here’s my rule number one - if you have a swastika tattoo, wear a swaztika armband or carry a flag or sign with a swaztika, hey, you’re a nazi.

Cute. And from my alma mater as well.

Even if he continues to dress as a bat, I will from now on call him Cowman. Thank you for that.

There was a great explanation for this in a Star Trek comic I read many years ago. It was something to the effect of their being two species of humanoids on Klingon, who would war with each other. When one was in power, the other species was not involved in any military or official business, hence the ‘swarthy’

Tomorrows Child and Canada are two of my faves mentioned here, and of course, Making Memories from the Captain Eo pre show.

if its in your bag sitting in the plastic tray, its far less likely

fuck this noise. I don’t trust any motherfuckers wearing pants at work. ANY.

but if you sit at a computer all day taking breaks to read lifehacker, aren’t your legs under a desk? Who are these mens’ hidden shins offending?

its not that big a deal to take it out. the issue is, when one of the X-ray jockeys decided to pick up said iPad and look at it, and they drop it. Or when they decide they need to swab it, and boom - liquid on the lightning port. Or better yet, when they decide to steal it and hope you don’t notice in all the hustle

until this new change, you haven’t had to take a tablet out of your carry on bag for years.

McCoy: Dear Lord. You think we’re intelligent enough to... suppose... what if this thing were used where life already exists?

just came here to find this image. Thanks~

I’m actually interested in the second question on the card - which movie made the best use of the song ‘that’s amore’? MOonstruck? That answer is h8gh;y subjective. It’s called trivial pursuit, not opinion pursuit. If I were playing the game and got that question, I would have had a Caniption fit. Fuck you Parker