
I have you beat, man.

In Soviet Russia, abandoned Soviet Space Shuttle breaks in to see YOU

Greedo shot first. Same exact scenario.

cool. I have that bottle that Kirk is drinking from!

Came to see if someone beat me to it.

Where have I seen this before...

I love Seth Macfarlane, but this is just ‘Galaxy Quest’, isn’t it?

The GoldenAge Girls? or maybe something a little more modern, ‘Hot in Gotham’?

I think the color (at least in Apple’s devices and all the rest that copy them) is as close to ‘actual’ rose gold as you’re going to get in an aluminum metal. If they actually made the iPhones and MacBook cases out of rose gold (could you imagine how expensive they would be THEN?) they would be spot on. The rose gold

For the record, Im not a woman and I think the rose gold phone looks great. I can’t speak for ‘all women’, but as far as I’m concerned, I care about the device first - and to me, no device is better than the iPhone 7 Plus. Once that consideration is out of the way, the very next thing I care about is the color,

I never said minimum competency, just the essentials. Quite frankly I find most of the tropes in superhero movies to be awful. Like I really need to see NYC being besieged by men being thrown into buildings some more. Superhero movies are best when the superhero is ‘fantastic’ but everything else is incredibly down to

Well, England then. WWI and all.

OK, I was nearly on board with you, until you put ‘indiana jones’ and ‘new and interesting things’ in the same sentence.

See below, James.

And you really think you would get that from a studio film based on a 70 year old comic book character? heres my prediction... you’ll see a bit of backstory explaining who Wonder Woman is, you’ll learn what her magic powers are, she’ll come to the states for some goofy fish out of water stuff, she’ll beat up bad

And you really think you would get that from a studio film based on a 70 year old comic book character? heres my prediction... you’ll see a bit of backstory explaining who Wonder Woman is, you’ll learn what her magic powers are, she’ll come to the states for some goofy fish out of water stuff, she’ll beat up bad

Such as? People are quick to criticize, but what is it they require to see?

Frankly, its not really being marketed much at all. And it has a TOTAL built in male audience - Wonder Woman is hot, wears a sexy outfit and does kung fu. What the fuck more does anyone need?

Of course, I don’t know Diana’s line after ‘Anything else you wanna show me’, but she’s certainly due some witty banter herself. I would have written her looking down at her broken glasses and mentioning something about him owing her a new pair. Or something along those lines.