
Ive been using Hulu for about a year now, and am pretty satisfied. Of course, I also subscribe to direct tv now, for live tv. I was really hoping that I could eliminate an extra 12 bucks a month from my tv budget by dropping direct tv in response to hulus live service, but no AMC means a no go for me. Once they add

It really is. Other use is just co-opting it, which doesn’t make the shit you’re referring to actually ‘milk’. It’s like claiming “Chik’n” is the same as Chicken.

show me an almond’s nipples, and then they can claim it as ‘milk’

I mean, its right there in the title - whale vagina. I was shocked I had to scroll down at all to find it!

Thanks. Came here just to see if someone else had posted it.

Streep doesn’t look or sound at all like her though. As odd as it seems, vocally and physically, Stevie Nicks would probably be the best on screen replacement, but I certainly don’t want that to happen.

That’s not on pages, but on the user. If you have pages, anything someone sends you should be a single simple pages file, and you should have no issue with it. If you are a word user, they should export as a .doc file and you should have no issue with that. Pages is a FANTASTIC program. Way better than Word, in my

I fail to see the issue. You ‘export’ the pages file as a doc file, and then word users can open it. If they use something other than word, then PDF.

If you knew how to properly use Pages, you’d be singing a different tune. Simple to use, easy to set up, perfect documents, and WAY easier to use for adding any sort of graphic images into the doc. Plus, you can save as a Pages OR Word (Or PDF) file so anyone can access what you’ve done. I won’t touch Word with a ten

Oh, if I could only give you a million stars for that.

So the trailer gives away the whole story arc, he starts out with his homemade suit, is quickly given an awesome one by Stark, then loses it and finished the last reel of the movie with his homemade on again, proving that the suit is nice to have but unimportant, the true necessity of being a hero was inside him all

I love the amazing designers who make the concept vehicles. But who are the shitty designers who turn those beautiful cars into the gross production vehicles?

Sirius is a really the best radio you can have in your car. Tons of great channels, fantastic content - and its super convenient (every new car I’ve bought int he last then years has come with it) the drawback is the price. The workaround is simple - if you don’t sign up for the crazy $30 a month, they send you a

My god those Brits are polite. 15 seconds of introductions and pleasantries until the operator finally gets to the problem!

The work in progress version. It was shown at the 1991 New York film festival before the film was released. (or finished). It was a bonus video on the DVD release, and is also included in the iTunes version of the movie, though not in full screen, but as a small PIP up in the corner of the regular version.

That cow is burned to a crisp. How absolutely horrific. Everyone knows that anything beyond medium rare ruins it.

I had heard a rumor during the gulf war, back in 1991, that the military was testing lasers for combat. A friend of mine mentioned something about it, and then clammed up with a “I’m not at liberty to talk about that...” Frankly, I’m shocked that we haven’t been using lasers for years now in military combat. Now if we

So this begs the question - how high and how far can one go in a helium powered lawn mobile to still be considered ‘safe’ and not endanger flights or other people? If he had only been 100 feet in the air, then would it have been OK? If he was tethered to the ground so e didn’t fly above others? Without established

I assumed in the middle of the film, since he kept getting referred to as ‘the pilot’ (they were hitting us over the head with it) that it would be him at the end of the film in the TIE fighter, giving an initial moment of hopelessness with the relief of it being your buddy in the bad guy’s ship there to rescue you.

Look no further than Hercules. Animated by Andreas Deja (who is gay) he was modeled after different aspects of gay men Deja saw at the gym. Sure, he fell for Meg, but she was more of an afterthought for Herc, whose real goal was simply to become a god.