

I dont know what my favorite quote is, but the photo above is from my favorite Star Trek episode, ‘Miri’. Essentially the Walking Dead in Space!

Yes, Eilonwy from Black Cauldron. You won’t find her on any official ‘Disney Princess’ merchandise though. She’s the black sheep of the family.

Yes, Disney isn’t pushing Cauldron at all, and hasn’t in decades. A shame, too, because yes, the film is flawed but it really is an interesting watch. Some beautiful animation as well.

Hirschfeld was the art style of Aladdin - not Hercules.

The art style was that of Gerald Scarfe, who is best known for his work on Pink Floyd ‘The Wall’ film.

I see your ‘completely ignored’ and raise you an ‘Ohhh, really?’

The PR line is that its a crack. We all know it is really an Alien ‘thing’ that killed all but two of the researchers.

I disagree. Certainly they’d be sent to the retailer in the box, but I imagine them shrink wrapped and hanging on pegs in the produce aisle. The grocer-to-consumer’s home-route doesn’t need the extra packaging.

If you’ve never done it before you can mess up a lot of the flesh by trying to cut too shallow and peel the skin. Unless you’ve done it before, the first time or two can require a bit of finesse.

I dont have an issue with avocados being packaged, as it can be a SLIGHT pain in the ass to cut them open, especially if you’ve never done it before.What I have an issue with here is POOR packaging. the avocado can simply be precut, put back in it’s natural shape and then vacuum sealed. This nonsense takes twice the

In its belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a…thousand years.

When you buy a hat like that, I bet you get a free bowl of soup! Looks good on him though!

Done practicing Sith stuff, now I’ll try to potty train the dog, and then grilled cheese sandwiches while I watch reruns of ‘Lou Grant’.

yeah, Cross stitch.


Why would Vader need a ‘home’ anyway? He’s a top member of a military/governing/empire and as such spends his time traveling from mission to mission either on a Star Destroyer or the Death Star. Bacta tanks I’m sure are fairly common medical locations (they had one on Hoth, and that was a makeshift base with extreme

The movie was terrible. The CGI Tarken and Leia were part of the many, many messes of this tripe. Uncanny valley for sure, but it seems the technology was old - VERY old. They looked about the same as the ‘lifelike’ humans from the first Shrek film. Simply awful.

As of right now, $2999 can is equal to $2210 USD - $189 LESS than the actual US cost of the same machine, $2399. What the heck are you complaining about? Its cheaper in Canada than the US.

Yup. Johnson (nader 2.0) ha taken the presidency from Clinton. Let every idiot Johnson/stein/protest voter know that they put Yrump in the Oval Office.