
Look again. He went through disney’s legendary internship program and was mentored by none other than Milt Kahl. He worked on Fox and the Hound, the transitional film from Disney of old to the new Modern staff

Yeah, but technically speaking, he was with Disney before he was with Pixar...

Here’s all you need to know. Knight Rider was awesome. The 1992 TV movie was stupid but fun to watch. Every other Knight Rider show was garbage.

Hey now - TIP was a campy trash fire, but I worked at Disney when they were filming it, and I got meet Hulk Hogan because of it. I don’t know what I was going for there. Yeah, THP was kinda crappy.

The crime FIGHTING boat?

Thanks. Details matter. I was really disappointed in the last frame, I couldn’t get my newspaper page to quite line up with the angled crease in the middle right side of Batman’s blank note. But, I figured, what the hell.

Star Wars was NOT a flop upon its initial release - it was the number 1 movie on its first limited run on May 25 1977 and then again on it’s wide release on Jul 15th. It was an ENORMOUS hit. From day one.

Good for rat stew, rat soup, rat pies, or the ever-popular ratatouille.

I know I’m immature, but I just have to giggle when MTF trans persons choose the name ‘Amanda’. Wink wink, nudge nudge...

Sheep Smith has meteorological credentials, Bryan - he was a reporter for many years at WSVN in south Florida, and worked through several of Florida’s hurricanes. If there’s anything that gives someone license to speak on hurricanes are news veterans who have stood in harms was to report on these storms.

gee whiz those are expensive. Rooms to Go has been, for nearly 30 years, the place to buy fairly inexpensive furniture. That double X-wing twin bed costs more than my entire master bedroom set, which I bought at RTG and came with a dresser + mirror, two nightstands, two lamps and a king sized bed.

agreed. A million times.

Your point is a good one, but still misguided. The animosity toward an suv which gets about 19 mpg (average over all large models) that can transport 8 people seems to be where the arrow points - what about all the cars that get lower MPG? Where is the outrage at people who drive Mitsubishi Lancers? Chevy SS and Ford

Your point is valid, but your ire towards subs is still misplaced. Yes, often times people drive around with just a person or two in an suv, but many who own larger vehicles also have smaller ones. And because gas costs actual money, will take the vehicle with better mileage when traveling in smaller numbers. Then

Although I’m with her also, your notion of climate destruction being the large SUV’s fault is ridiculous early 2000's liberal pablum garbage. I will give you some information as to why, and you can move along as you desire.

How did this guy ‘get his hands on’ the air pods weeks before they’re released?

Waiting for the forthcoming Futura,a opening sequence’ reference...

I think we should absolutely adopt this practice, and make it very well known to those who suffer from gluten sensitivity, it must be so awful.

Jill Stein is the project Ara. An interesting idea on paper but terrible science and will never actually come to fruition.