
It depends on the state in which you live.

Same issue here.

In many countries it is. In the US, Deaf drivers use special equipment that detects external audio cues and relays those sounds to flashing lights on a special instrument cluster.

I didn’t like it. Well, let me correct that - I liked it the first time, when it was titled ‘Ferngully’, and then I liked it the second time when it was called ‘Pocahontas’. But I didn't like it when it was called Avatar.

You’re right, it was a stupid precedent - but rules in an office are not unchangeable due to precedent like US law. The boss could very easily state ‘hey, no more goofing off and do your fucking work or you’ll be looking for a new job’ if she really wanted to.

Incorrect. Headphones while driving are illegal not because of the distraction of what you're listening to but your inability to hear other things, like police sirens or people screaming that you have a 7 year old caught in your front tire well.

Don’t think of the plans as ‘leasing’ plans - most of them are not. (Sprint has a leasing plan, but from what i understand it kind of sucks) The financing is just that - financing. Whether you do it through Verizon or Apple or AT&T, the plans are all the same. Zero financing charges, zero fees, zero interest. Just the

Not with headphones

and Oh no! What would you do if your boss said you weren’t allowed? How would you ever live? I would bet dollars to doughnuts you’re under 30. So many younger people are so entitled and self righteous. Consider yourself INCREDIBLY lucky that your boss allows it, and stop bitching about the headphone jack.

I really don’t see what all the hubbub is about. The jack is gone, who gives a shit. Use bluetooth headphones, use the lightning EarPods they give you or use the fucking adapter on whatever hell else you’d like. Wont cost anyone an extra penny, and they cover all the bases. I for one am glad to see that ancient hole

I'm a tricking delight at parties. Lively conversation, impressions, really tasteless jokes... I'm awesome

when you're in the office, you should be working and not listening to music on your headphones.

It isn’t for daily tickets. it is for multiway passes. So you can’t buy a three day pass and go on day one and then sell it to someone else so they can use it on day two and three. And it isn’t a ‘ticket’ either way, its more like a thin credit card that you swipe with the ticket value information.

You're correct, it IS about eight and wrong - and it is wrong for a peace officer to kill a suspect who hasn't been given their due process.

If there was clear and accurate evidence that the suspect was firing or about to fire at the officers, then yes - but unfortunately the police have cried wolf far too often.

I don’t know that to be the case - and though I'm sure it will appear on the police report, these days I tend to question the honesty of those.

He has spoken out about it, many times. Of course he has to take an incredibly diplomatic tone, and can't speak with fiery rhetoric. Your observation is biased and uninformed.

I'm not understanding your analogy... Are you claiming that Obama somehow endorsed this police shooting?

Removed the suspect from the vehicle and handcuffed him/her. The police doesn't need to be judge, jury and executioners:

The windshield was being shot at by the police officer to the right of the suspect’s vehicle - the glass isn't shooting outwards, but pieces are flying to the left of the truck, forced from the direction of the fire. The suspect was not firing, the officer using the shotgun was.