
The news cut away from the valuable story, police abusing their power and murdering a suspect that was all but in custody.

I have said this since the holodeck was first mentioned on TNG - If the starship has families aboard it, that means there are X number of boys, in their teens onboard. And if one can have sex with a holodeck ‘woman’, there would be a constant line at the door of said holodeck. The adults would never get in there to

Yeah, his voice has aged. Last night I watched the Dvid Hasselhoff roast from about 6 or so years ago and he sounded old during that. But I don't care. Old KITT is still KITT in my book!

She was probably 20. I'm old (hence the discussion at hand) so to me a 20 year old is young.

Yeah, thats cool and all, and I totally would love to have Majel on my iPhone - but why would I want anything OTHER than the Enterprise computer? One acronym - K.I.T.T. - That’s why.

Yeah, same story here - though I was never special enough to work training or be a genius. The last straw for me was a few months back when they had three ‘expert’ roles available, and I wasn’t even granted an interview. Yet a young girl who had started in the store 5 months prior was given an expert role. A girl who,

There’s certainly a quota. I will say however, when I was interviewed I came home and noted to my wife that there were a good handful of goofy hipsters in the store, but came to find them to be kind, smart and really fantastic dudes. In my particular store, we had about 100 employees - of the lot, only two or three

I don’t think it is NECESSARILY age discrimination, though Im sure that plays into it, but part of Apple’s self harming policies as a whole.

No thanks. I’ll just die.

Meh - its a new design for a new film. It gets more shoppers to buy the new vehicle for their kids. Too much nerdsplaing for my taste. And why wouldn’t those transports be seen at in Jedi when ‘the entire rebel fleet’ was there attacking? Come on...

Believe me, I’ve complained about it! The. Again, it’s certainly possible that those ships weren’t ‘purchased’ by the rebellion until after the events of empire. But ships in use literally a week before episode iv not being in subsequent films is silly.

I sort of am annoyed at the ‘new’ stormtroopers and vehicles that will be in this movie. Why would we not have seen any death troopers in ‘Episode IV’, you know, like a week after this one is going to take place? Why did the rebellion not have ONE ‘U-Wing’ fighter in the battle of Yavin? Just seems crazy to me.

In the dust bin where it belongs. A nifty idea on paper but totally unrealistic and frankly, stupid. Far more packaging waste, far larger carbon footprint, and an electronic device which would undoubtedly be riddled with problems.

I liked it better when it had woody Allen and Sharon stone.

Cavemen. Laugh if you must, but forget all the scorn it got because it was a spinoff of a TV commercial - that show was fucking funny. And smartly written. Treat yourself and check it out on Youtube (I think MOST of the episodes are on there) but DON’T watch the unaired pilot. It was retooled after that and the second

thanks. I love to puntificate

Nope. Just one of those urban legend things. And again, the Disney animators are very ‘ADAMant’ about the fact that Adam is not Beast’s name.

Yeah? Where?

Nope. You’re straight up wrong. C&D is an AWESOME movie, in the days when guns weren’t digitally replaced with walkie talkies, and kids in movies got into crazy dangerous situations. Was ‘Goonies’ messed up? Those kids got shot at too, and Chunk was put in a freezer with the body of a dead guy. E.T.? Well, they feds

they all look like Muppets who have been microwaved for too long”