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Data in Star Trek was programmed in multiple techniques...

I will never again be able to watch BH6 and hear the line “I cannot deactivate until you say, “I am satisfied...”” without laughing my ass off. Thanks.

See? Even people who are political opposites can agree on some things!

I dunno about the outrage here. I’m a pretty left leaning liberal, and would love to see a lot of heavy handed gun safety laws placed on the books, but I just don’t see the problem with someone selling replica guns at a comic show. I go to these cons once a year or so, and see lots of booths selling knives and swords

Eh, overly complex rig and way too much work. This is the Rube Goldberg of commercial shoots.

Good luck with that. A hamburger, small drink and a fries will set you back $3.70 - with the happy meal you also get apple slices or yogurt or a mandarin orange. Plus the fucking toy - thats worth two bucks right there. Fuck you for being a judgmental dick.

840 calories? You really need to get your head out of your ass. A Happy meal, with a hamburger, fries, apple slices & milk is 480 calories.

...waiting for someone to edit in Raptors from JP2. I’m sure I won’t be let down.

You are incorrect. A hot dog is a TYPE of sausage - regardless of it’s bun or no bun status. His packaging while in the supermarket is branded ‘Fancy Dogs’ - which suggests that yes, he IS a sausage, but more specifically, a hot dog. All hot dogs are sausages, but not all sausages are hot dogs.

Here ya go.

Yeah, I can see them all being grown up, except Rufio for some strange reason...

Immorality is subjective - I think he was incredibly immoral for his leaks. For the ONE good thing that came from it (the NSA listens to our phone calls... like no one already knew that?!?) the overwhelming amount of intelligence our enemies gleaned from his releases could spell disaster for our country’s safety. He’s

Im a fairly left leaning Clinton supporter, and I absolutely agree with Ru$ there. Snowden is a traitor.

The war was averted because Marcus was killed and didn’t take the opportunity to fan the flames. As far as the Klingon government knew, that attack was just a group of weapons dealers, NOT anyone from Starlfleet. (Remember, they were using the vehicle apprehended in the ‘Mudd Incident’, and Kirk had the starlet

Just checking the comments for the inevitable ‘Star Wars’ empire reference.

I absolutely have to record a legit metal song using all ten least used words.

I don’t see anything about it on her site, though she has stated previously that she will fight budget cuts to NASA, and wants it funded well. Having said that, they DID reject her application back in the 60's.... so