
I was thinking the same thing. It looks JUST like those knock off porn parodies.

I don’t watch GOT, its simply not my cup of tea. Having said that, there is NOTHING IN THE WORLD that isn’t made appealing by Sam Jackson’s narration. I could listen that motherfucker read the phone book.

I’m gonna buy the one from ‘Twins’ instead.

I buy both. I find that margarine doesn’t burn as easily as butter, and I will USUALLY bake with butter but cook with margarine.

I’m straight and I suck at drywall. You and me, busting’ stereotypes!

He has never once scared me. His makeup is a fairly obvious lift of Scar from the Lion King. It has always struck me as laughable.

It didn’t come with the anchor kit until a few years back - we have two Malm dressers, the taller one did not come with it, the shorter one did. However, even the straps aren’t that great. It is incredibly difficult to get it anchored to a stud if the placement of the dresser isn’t in front of the stud (and lets face

The worlds most depressing bar mitzvah

Now playing

...and watching shit that you are SUPPOSED to put through that come out looks disgusting and unappetizing.

I dunno about this. For the sake of science (not for counterfeiting purposes!) I just tested my flatbed HP scanner, which is pretty new (purchased two years ago) and it had no issues copying a current $5 that DOES have the eurion dots on it. I successfully copied it in B&W and then in color. Of course, it would never

Nearly any device, iPads included, really can’t be expected to run ‘optimally’ after 4 years. So you have to get creative, and unless it breaks hardware wise, you can get several more years out of it if you just limit it to one or two tasks.

Apple store employees haven’t worn that ‘Back to Blue’ collection in well over a year. They dropped those shirts in favor of a dark blue t-shirt for the launch of Apple Watch, and have never gone ‘back’ to that series of royal blue shirts. After the Dark blue they went to grey, and then to red for holidays, and then

I agree with you, and as I posted above, I wrote ‘asian’ simply because I am not very good at discerning the different physical aspects of Asian nations. I didn’t want to call out ‘Chinese’ if in fact hey were Korean or Japanese.

I’ll take you up on that. I don’t want to sound racist, but honest wheat bread has a much softer texture and a slightly better taste than regular wheat bread.

Its funny that you didn’t use a racist name for ‘Jews’, when you did for everyone else. Even the Jawas. Generally, people call us ‘Kikes’. In case you didn’t know. You know, for next time.

you have a good attitude. Cultural differences abound all over this planet. Too many people are offended but he idea of anyone pointing them out. I hold no animosity towards the Chinese people (I am part Chinese myself) but simply wondered ‘aloud’ if this was something prevalent in that culture, which it seems to be.

They’re not the only ones I remember, but they’re the ones that seem to be happening the most frequently in recent weeks.

understood, and why I initially wrote Asian - though my great grandmother was Chinese, Im not astute at identifying which particular Asian country one might be from. So I didn’t want to mistakenly claim someone was ‘Chinese’ when they might actually be Korean or Thai, etc.

No, I stand by it. Our current culture of overly sensitive, offended by everything, and cliche spewing (such as the aforementioned “if you say ‘this may be racist, its racist...’ is the hallmark of the under 30 set. You guys need to grow some balls and try living in the real world or you’ll be eaten alive by the time