
I can’t speak to the cordless one, but I ponied up the dough and bought a corded Dyson for about $500 - and it was worth the dough. I’ve had it about 12 years now, and have never once had a problem with it. Ever. It has never needed a belt, never needed a penny’s worth of service. Still runs as well as the day I

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Check it out! I actually found that death scene on youtube

Oh, its quite alright! I only point it out because in that scene, as cool as the girl’s death was, the dude’s death was FAR cooler. (Not that I condone death, rather, the mode of killing was ‘fun’ for a movie. Don’t kill people. Its not good.)

It was a chick whose face went through the wall of the RV. The dude she had just earlier screwed (who happens to be John Travolta’s nephew) died at the wheel of the RV moments later, with a bowie knife through the temple. It happens to be, what I think, is the best death scene in any slasher movie - because of the

I always wondered about that - in scenes where it was just luke and R2, (outside of the Xwing) Luke seems to be able to understand what R2 says. Yet sometimes 3P0 has to translate, when he’s around. For me its sorta like Stewie on Family Guy. Sometimes people can understand him, sometimes they can’t. As to the Xwing,

do you have problems with chrome overusing your processor? People I encounter who use chrome on a mac complain a lot about the consumption, and laptop users get much less battery life. And don't get me started on the fans...

i thought internet explorer had been replaced with something new on MS’ part...

im not shooting down any opinions - yours= response is one of the very few that laid out reasonable answers (though I TOTALLY disagree with you on my peanut butter analogy) Again, the takeaway for me is that developers and the small number of internet users who are ‘behind the scenes’ find it problematic, but I'm

No one is trying to convince me, but I’m trying to understand why someone wouldn’t. Which, so far, other than developers, I haven’t found a reasonable answer. Other than ‘I prefer it’. Which is horseshit, when one can't express WHY the prefer it. I can go one better using your peanut butter analogy - I prefer JIF. I

yeah, worse than Hitler no doubt. Because I use Safari!

Im gonna work backward, just because its easier on my eyes - please forgive the extra work.

well there you go. It works with android, which I have no use for. So let me ask this if you got an iPhone and left android, would you continue to use it? Safari is no slower than chrome, at least in my experience...

Well, I do happen to be the parent of two people, so you’re sort of right. Then again, neither of THOSE people are parents, and THEY use safari, so your theory is deflated!

i use apple for many reasons, the stability of the OS and the lack of viruses and shut downs that plague PCs - I actually pay less for my Mac than I would a PC, because of the tremendous resale value Apple products have. So I wind up spending a few hundred bucks every three years to always have an up to date machine.

the internet suggests an average of 5 to 16 gbs of storage for chrome, depending on what plug ins you might have. It starts out at 100+mbs though, but if you’re not using all the ‘features’ people are saying they use chrome for, it sort of defies their need for it.

so what you’re saying is, if I’m not misunderstanding you, that a webpage is created for chrome and firefox and then they need to make it a second time for safari? Safari can’t read the one made for the ‘other’ browsers?

I must not be - although IM web browsing for hours on end each day. What would constitute ‘power use’?

when you say ‘the industry’, what do you mean specifically? I haven’t encountered a webpage that doesn’t work with safari - are there such things?

The ten percent is desktop and laptop traffic, not mobile. As far as mobile/tablet use goes, Safari was #1 at about 42% but chrome surpassed it around November of last year.