
You take it as I am trying to start an argument, when I am simply and sincerely just asking what Im missing out on. You say you simply ‘prefer’ a different browser, but also admit to using it ONCE to download chrome. Im just trying to get WHY that is. Which you still haven’t really answered. Other than you ‘prefer’

reasonable answers, but i don’t see how my pages could load any faster, and I don’t seem to have any security issues. As to layout, chrome looks pretty much just like safari, unless there are some hidden things I don’t know about, and of course you can easily click and drag to change the layout of safari, putting your

so you have no reason to NOT use it, since you never do, so you can't say that it is good or bad, you just think its better to use chrome and firefox?

im not ignoring them, if someone is a developer and can’t do that on safari, well, that I get. But Id wager that MOST people using an internet browser aren’t doing those things. And Im quite a heavy web user, and haven’t had an issue. To me, it seems like most of the people who are responding are just saying ‘well,

you say safari sucks but a website you frequent won’t work on chrome. Does it work with safari? Ive never encountered a website that ‘doesn’t work’ with my browser. Who knows - maybe I have! Perhaps Ive been to a website that doesn't work with safari and just assumed they were shut down or out of business or something.

Nope, not trolling, just sincerely wondering why anyone wouldn't use safari on their mac.

You keep saying that it’s ‘slow’. How fast does it need to be? When I click on a link or type in a web address, the webpage opens instantly. What am I missing? Does the webpage open in chrome before you hit ‘enter’ or something?

because I see no need to. Safari works perfectly for web browsing. No one has yet to mention anything that chrome or firefox will do for me that safari won't, and I don't need to waste any of my hard drive space to download additional software.

yeah, id not use extensions, and since all my products are Apple, I don't have to worry about bookmarks. They all just show up.

you say I sound like an old man, and perhaps thats true, but I find that any page I go to loads instantly. Now, Im not using ad block and vpn, but i don't see the need to use other software when safari works perfectly fine.

You say ‘safari is trash’, but why do you think that? It seems to work perfectly for me, I type in a website and I see the website. What am I not getting? What is it chrome does for you while you look at a website?

Im not offended, but surely a reasonable number of people use safari. Just glancing at basic metrics says that Safari is used by at least 10% of web users. Thats not chopped liver.

Well, he’s missing about 16GB of hard drive space that Chrome takes up. Thats the first thing.

Really? They seem nearly identical in layout to my eyes.

Does that really have to do with your browser and not your internet connection? I use Safari and I don’t have to ‘wait’ for pages to load - I click ‘enter’ and the website is there. What is it you’re doing wrong?

why would being a developer preclude you from using Safari?

But WHY don’t you like safari? Does it not bring you to the same websites? What is it that chrome or firefox does that Safari Isn’t? (And for the record, you mention you have to switch from chrome to firefox for websites that won’t load on one or the other, yet I NEVER have that issue with Safari.)

So heres the question - if you buy a Mac, and it COMES with Safari, why would you go out of your way to download and install Chrome rather than use the browser that came on, and furthermore is optimized for your machine?

“Most of you probably use Chrome or Firefox” what a weird assumption. Why would anyone with a Mac not use Safari? I’ve been using it for over a decade and never have any issues.

Bloat does NOT approve.