
General, you use the apple pay app to scan your card with your phone’s camera - although you COULD manually enter the information. However, in most cases, your card’s issuing bank requires verification to complete the set up. They give you a choice of using the phone number or email address the bank has on file to

Well, in THAT case I could bring my card from home and head to the Apple Store, but thats a pretty extreme situation. The point is, when I use apple pay, i know my personal data is secure - far more secure than using a regular OR chip and pin card. And again, the retailers that don’t accept Apple pay have made a bod

Indeed, I do. I only support retailers who care about the safety of my data. And yes, even using pin and chip transfers your personal data to the retailers’ computer, leaving you ripe for identity theft. My cards in fact have emv technology, (my Chase card just arrived a few weeks ago with the new embedded chip)

The merchants and the equi[met have nothing to do with the sensitive data transfer. That happens anyway, on all equipment. It is up to the retailer wether or not they bank that information in their system of purge it. Most keep it. Which is why using a card - any card - is a bad idea.

yeah, thats the whole point of apple pay - you don’t have your credit cards with you to be stolen. Mine sit in my house. If you steal my phone, you can’t use my apple pay. Yet, if I steal your wallet with your chip and pin cards, i can still use it as credit rather than debit. Retailers CAN use the chip with pin

Apple pay is more secure than chip and pn (which happens to be an older tech)

Oh, I wholeheartedly disagree, boobox.

Give me a nice McRib any day over Chipotle, my friend!

No, actually the reason apple pay is secure is because the iPhone prevents any personal data from being transmitted to the retailer, and that includes the credit card information. When that retailer gets hacked, customers who paid with apple pay will be safe from identity theft.

sigh. when will retailers learn that these data breaches bring bad PR, and offering Apple Pay gives them a fantastic out. Im in the midwest, and I ate at Wendys last year (begrudgingly), so now I need to worry. Had it been McDonalds that was hit, I’d be sitting pretty, because I use Apple Pay there.

We’re, for the most part, a paperless society these days. I can think of very few things that can’t be done electronically. OK, wrapping a present requires some sort of paper, but other than that...

well, then certainly YOU wouldn’t - paper or otherwise. But most people, (I would assume!) use their phones as their boarding pass. At least everyone I know does.

It is 2016 - who is actually using paper airline boarding passes???

don't forget your personal identification number number!

What the hell is an iwatch?

nice one.

One for every day of the week. Because I’m a huge nerd.

Boy, are you right. Chef Boy-Ar-Dee all the way. Spaghetti-o’s suck.

Perhaps Mets fans would like it as well, but I’m sure all the Gators fans would be on board.

Speak for yourself. I do.