
Come on, UF. No one wants a red lime. Figure out how to make an orange blue inside and you’ll have nailed it.

Probably not, redroab. But thats the price you pay when you disregard sane and sound science and pander to the organic assholes. Most likely, the e.coli was contracted from organic, natural, locally grown produce that uses animal shit as fertilizer, rather than the much safer and more modern chemicals that

Uh oh! Looks like Chipotle’s bend to anti-science may cost them!

I understand your stance if you’re that insecure about cloud storage safety, but its still WAY too expensive. You can get a 1tb ssd for a few hundred bucks. The hefty tag here is for the ridiculous design, which was what I was bitching about here. A similar solution in a far more reasonable shape is available for far

the size of the curet on their end has nothing to do with how fast or slow it comes into your pipe. Obviously, the faster the better, but thats not on the storage facility, its on your provider. As to renting storage, well, you do that anyway if you buy a hard drive. It doesn't last forever, you pay the entry fee and

meh. As cool as it looks, what a stupid and impractical shape. Aren't we done with little boxes and wires? Shouldn't we be moving forward with online storage? Why doesn't LaCie set up a cloud based system, where instead of spending $1100 for this goofy box you get 100TB of LaCie cloud service with a super slick and

The official reasoning seems to be that the laptop is so light, it would counteract the force needed to pop the magnet, making the magsafe useless. Unless this device has magnets that hold with less force, it seems like something that wouldn’t properly do the job.

So, in the third ‘Trek’ movie, the Enterprise will be destroyed. In the second one, Khan showed up and Kirk died. I’m taking a stab in the dark here, but I’ll be in the fourth movie, they go back in time. Perhaps in number 5 they’ll encounter God (or an alien pretending to be so) and in 6 they’ll forge peace with the

“Everyone has been suckered in by healthy packaging at some point, or tried to pick the least harmful of a slate of bad options.”

Makes little sense to me. The hood portion sort of makes the under pieces redundant.

Chik fil a chicken is good. Not amazing, but certainly good. What will blow your mind, however, is their nugget sauce. Get the polynesian and the chik fil a sauce. They’re fantastic.

Willsomeone, I’m curious - and I’m not being sarcastic or trying to be a smarts when I ask this - but what would you consider a ‘good white person’ who ISN’T racist to behave like? Your complaint seems to be people nothing you being articulate and rebutting black lives matter with ‘all lives matter’. (Both racist-y

Brit, your article was compelling, and the question you pose is thought provoking. I believe I have your answer.

...and his mother has a Facebook account.

If there’s one thing Disney WANTS you to bring in to their parks, its a bulging wallet.

Though it isn’t IT related, It sure is a great story -Back in the late 1980’s I was a surly teenage McDonald’s employee. I had endured my fill of the responsibilities $3.15 an hour required, and decided that today would be the day. We had our own McDonald’s jargon at the store, which included the phrase ‘put down the

Damn you, Nix. You beat us all to it.

This was a great trailer - FAR better than the one released a few weeks ago.

I’ll start with a full disclosure - I have more than a tolerance for shitty food, I LOVE it. In fact, just this morning I was chatting with my wife about how great I thought the hospital food was when she gave birth to our kids. Cafeteria food, gas station sandwiches, canned crap - I live for it.

You’ve obviously never eaten one