
Although you are right about the toppings, I’m far more concerned about the dog itself. Yes, Vienna are the best dogs in the universe, look at the meat on those supposed hot dogs in the article - they are horrifying.

As far as the items pictured in the article, those aren’t hot dogs. Those are nightmares. THIS is a hot dog.

Apple’s security record is, in fact, VERY stellar. They have yet to been hacked. Last summer, some celebrities iCloud accounts got hacked, but that wasn’t on Apple, it was due to them having easily guessed passwords. Last month, iPhones got hacked, but again, not on Apple’s watch, it was due to people jailbreaking

Even if you consider it no less ‘a hassle’, when I use Apple Pay and you use your plastic card, your data is unsafe and mine isn’t. WHEN that retailer’s computers get hacked, your card will most likely be used fraudulently, or worse, your identity stolen, where MY personal information (my name, address, credit card

Its amazing how something just writes itself. I made the nearly identical joke (Saturday Night Fuhrer) with the appropriate photoshop way back in the late 90’s. You chose a different head than I did, but otherwise - identical. Of course, mine used the tag line ‘Where do you go when the invasion is over...’

Brian - you’re wrong! The USA today special was today, October 22, 2015.

That must be new policy.

You are correct. When Tcells fall below 200 copies, a patient is diagnosed with AIDS. Of course, those Tcell counts can always raise back up, but once you hit the 200 low, you have AIDS and cannot ‘go back’ to simply being HIV positive.

I doubt they would really cost that much more to produce. If you’ve seen the patent, its simply a little motor with an axle in the sole of the shoe. I would bet the production cost is $2 over a conventional type. Plus, the production cost of a pair of Nikes is about $28 for a typical $100 pair of sneakers, according

According to me, you win this thread. Bravo.

meh, all the space movies these days are the same. Crew goes to space, something bad happens, they need to rescuer one or more crewmembers, against all odds. Sometimes one of the crew dies, and its all sad.

Imagine how many millions of these Nike would sell if they made them available to the general public. With ten or so bucks per pair on top for research, I’m sure they would FAR exceed the money donated to the MJFFPR over the very limited number to be sold at auction.

I support Zombie JFK. And you should too. Ask not what you can do braaaaaaiiinnnnnss.....

Just stopped to make the obligatory Bespin reference.

Yeay! Xanadu!!!

Yeah, unfortunately, OTA broadcasts aren’t really the best stuff on TV. Most of the better shows are on the cable channels.

Ughhh. Very little annoys me as much as the ‘I don’t have cable’ or ‘I don’t even have a TV’. As if that is some sort of cool/smart/hip indicator.

Now all I see is hundreds of thousands of cat toy lasers focusing through an enormous lens...